What Is Virtual Learning & Why Has It Become A Trend?

A kid get experience virtual learning with headphones

Technology has ushered in a new era of the digital age, leading to the digital transformation of many industries, including education. Virtual Learning is the new trend of this age.

In the eyes of previous generations, learning means going to school, meeting in person with your educators and friends, or listening to lectures directly. It has changed quite a bit today.

What is virtual learning?

The concept that “learning means having to go to school” has become familiar for a long time. Therefore, although online education has been known for many years, most people need to pay more attention to it. However, the general concept of online education (or E-learning) developed long before the Covid-19 pandemic.

This educational method combines traditional teaching methods and applications connected through a modern information technology platform. Learners can participate in learning and acquire knowledge through supporting intermediary educational software without having to go directly to school to study. Not limited by physical distance or time zone, nowadays, people can learn anytime and anywhere, as long as they have a device connected to the Internet.

Online learning can involve various terms, such as online courses, online materials, or virtual learning. Virtual learning is a form of direct teaching through a virtual environment (usually intermediary software) where teachers and learners interact simultaneously.

Benefit of Virtual Learning

The benefit of virtual learning is that teachers and learners can exchange and discuss with each other right in the lesson, helping to quickly solve problems. Besides, this form of study also makes learning more engaging, creating an experience similar to face-to-face classes.

Sustainable learning trend of the new era.

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries worldwide are forced to “lockdown,” minimizing meetings and face-to-face meetings to prevent the disease from spreading. That inadvertently creates conditions to promote online activities, which becomes an effective means of communication and achieves unexpected results, such as:

● Reducing travel costs.
● Saving time and effort.
● Storing meeting data.
● Easily sharing information with each other.

Students' Preferences

Learners prefer Virtual Learning form compared to buying online courses. This is also the current form of learning developing in most schools and educational institutions worldwide. Virtual learning can occur on webinars, Google Meetings, Google Classroom, ZOOM, etc.
Although it cannot bring direct face-to-face interactions like traditional learning methods, this form of learning still possesses certain benefits, such as space comfort and time flexibility in teaching. Lectures can be recorded so that learners can review them if they do not understand, or the teacher can review the lesson for improvement in the curriculum. 

Sometimes, the teacher may invite more experts to the class for discussion. Especially, meeting in person may be hard. But joining online is more accessible. Making the guest feel more flexible and may be more willing to accept the offer. Besides, people will save a significant amount of money by cutting down on gas, transportation, or school meals. For courses organized by professional education systems, students can access a formal training program, dedicated teaching staff, and comprehensive specialty care

Types of virtual Learning

It may be a surprise for some that there are different types of virtual learning available to students and educators. 


Synchronous virtual learning often requires students to attend all lectures online. Instructors live-stream their presentations or lecture, allowing learners to ask questions in real-time via webcam, microphone, or live chat for a more realistic learning experience. This method is suitable for those who like flexibility.


Asynchronous virtual learning features pre-recorded lessons that students can watch during leisure. The instructor will post a video or audio file along with the lecture materials. Usually, there are quizzes to make sure students are learning the lecture and updating the class schedule. Often, instructors or assistants are available through communication, such as texting or email. Students also have some form of communication with each other, such as a forum, where they can discuss the lectures, ask questions, or exchange their learning experiences.


Hybrid virtual learning is a combination of the two forms mentioned above. This is the right choice for those who need flexibility in studying time but want direct interaction to make it easier to absorb knowledge. This form of learning has become popular because of its convenience, but retains the interaction in education.

How does virtual learning take place?

Some forms in which virtual learning takes place include:
● Webinar
● Video or audio conferencing
● Online presentations
● Live-streaming
● Real-time chat room
● Learning Management System (document distribution and online learning
● Online training courses

Online learning is not a temporary improvisation, on the contrary, it is a way of learning that has been around for a long time and is being applied effectively in many countries. At the same time, this is the future form of education with many advantages compared to traditional lessons.

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