Free TOEIC Test Practice – Update Your Skills

If you are planning to take the TOEIC test or want to improve your English skills for work or study, then this is the article for you. We will introduce you to some free TOEIC test practices and tips and strategies to ace the TOEIC test in this EDU Blog.

Everything you need to know about TOEIC

TOEIC (short for Test of English for International Communication) is a test to assess English proficiency for people who use English as a foreign language (not as a mother tongue), especially those who want to use English in an international communication and working environment. The TOEIC test results reflect the proficiency level when communicating in English in activities such as business, commerce, tourism, etc. This result is valid for two years and is recognized in many countries.

The traditional TOEIC test is a multiple-choice test consisting of two parts: the listening test consists of 100 questions and takes 45 minutes, and the reading test also includes 100 questions but takes 75 minutes. The total time for the test is 120 minutes (2 hours).

  • Listening test (100 questions / 45 minutes): Consists of 4 sub-parts, numbered from Part 1 to Part 4. Candidates must take turns listening to short conversations, information passages, and questions that contain English accents from different regions.

  • Reading test (100 questions / 75 minutes): Includes three sub-parts numbered from Part 5 to Part 7 corresponding to 3 types of incomplete sentences, error recognition, and reading comprehension of information passages. Candidates do not have to do it sequentially, but can choose any question to do first.

Each question provides four answer options A-B-C-D (except for questions 11-40 of part 2, only three answer options A-B-C). The candidate chooses the best answer and uses a pencil to highlight their answer box.

The TOEIC test does not require specialized knowledge and vocabulary. Still, it only focuses on words used in work and daily communication.

Discover the benefits of taking the TOEIC exam

The TOEIC test can benefit anyone who wants to improve their English skills or advance their career. Employers in many parts of the world use TOEIC scores to guage job applicants’ English proficiency. A high score can make you stand out in a competitive job market.

TOEIC also provides you with a recognized measure of your English proficiency. Furthermore, many educational institutions worldwide accept TOEIC scores as proof of English proficiency, making applying for international programs or study abroad opportunities accessible.

In addition, preparing for the TOEIC test can help you improve your reading, listening, and comprehension skills, which are necessary for effective communication in English. The TOEIC test assesses your ability to use English in real business situations. A high score can give you confidence in your English skills and demonstrate your proficiency with others.

Taking the TOEIC demonstrates a commitment to self-improvement and a willingness to challenge yourself, which are appreciated in any professional setting.

Understanding TOEIC score levels for business success

  • TOEIC 100 – 300 points: Basic level—poor English communication skills.

  • TOEIC 300 – 450 points: Able to understand & communicate in English at an average level. It is a requirement for graduates of vocational schools and bachelor’s of colleges (3-year training system).

  • TOEIC 450 – 650 points: Able to communicate in English quite well. It is a general requirement for students graduating from a 4-5 year training system, employees, and team leaders at enterprises with foreign elements.

  • TOEIC 650 – 850 points: Have good English communication ability. It is a requirement for department heads, senior executives, and directors in an international working environment.
  • TOEIC 850 – 990 points: Able to communicate in English very well. Use almost native speakers even though English is not your mother tongue.

Master the TOEIC test with these expert tips

1. TOEIC Listening test tips (Part 1 to 4)

You only have 45 minutes to complete the listening test, which includes 100 questions. Therefore, you must apply appropriate strategies to achieve the test results. Here are some EDU Hacks for your TOEIC listening tips:

✓ Read the questions before listening to the audio.

✓ When you can’t hear the question, skip it, don’t worry and nervously that it may affect the next question.

✓ Pay attention to synonyms and antonyms in English that will often be used to deceive candidates.

➤ Part 1: Picture Description  

In this section, you will see a photo and be asked to choose the answer that correctly describes what is happening in the picture and describes the location of objects and people. In part 1, the difficulty of the test is low. However, the test will deceive candidates by describing the right action but the wrong object, especially confusing with homonyms, near-meaning words, and multi-meaning words, as she analyzed above.

➤ Part 2: Question & Response  

In part 2, as the name of the assignment exercise, you find the answer to the question: where (where), When (when), What (what), Who (who), why ( why), how (how). So you focus on listening carefully to what type of question you are so that you can determine the correct answer. In case you do not hear all the answers, you can still predict the answer in the best way.

➤Part 3: Short Conversations  

You will hear the dialogue and then answer the question, this part is a bit more complicated than the previous three parts, but if you have good listening skills, you can still confidently complete the questions quickly. To do well in the Short Conversations section, you must quickly read the question of that conversation and pay attention to the content from beginning to end, trying to make sure to catch every word. This part requires logical thinking to judge the answer, especially the candidate’s high concentration.

➤Part 4: Short Talks  

This is the last part of TOEIC Listening, which has many traps that make it difficult for candidates. The part contains a conversation about a specific field, so it is essential to know what the speaker is talking about to figure out how to use related questions. The following are regular topics of the Short Talks: Announcement, Newspaper, Recorded message, Advertisement, Broadcast, Talk (speech), or Report ( narrative).

2. TOEIC Reading test tips (Part 5 to 6)

In the TOEIC Reading test, you will have 75 minutes to complete 100 questions. To achieve the best result, you need to note a few things:

✓ Master knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar: Tenses, nouns, verbs, adjectives, or conjunctions. These are the most frequently asked grammar topics in the TOEIC reading test.

✓ Allocate a reasonable time to do the test: Part 7 is the hardest, so you must quickly complete parts 5 and 6 to have time to do part 7!

✓ Note synonyms and antonyms: In the TOEIC test, candidates will trap a lot of synonyms and antonyms.

✓ Practice Skimming and Scanning well: You will apply these skills in TOEIC reading a lot.

➤Part 5: Complete Sentences  

This is the first test in TOEIC Reading, but many traps are set. This part requires you to have a solid knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

➤Part 6: Text Completion  

This section consists of 16 multiple-choice questions, divided into four passages. Each paragraph will have four questions. The type of questions will be similar to those in part 5, asking about English vocabulary and grammar. Types of paragraphs you often encounter are E-mails, Memos, Ads, Instructions, Articles, and Notices.

➤Part 7: Reading Comprehension  

This is the most challenging part of the test that takes up the most time for the candidates, so if you want to get a TOEIC score of 800 – 990, you must complete Part 7 well. Your time dedicated to part 7 should be 30 – 45 minutes.

The TOEIC test is an excellent way to showcase your English language skills. By taking advantage of the free TOEIC practices and tips available, you can update your skills and feel more confident on the test day. So why wait?

Start practicing today and take the first step towards achieving your goals! Don’t forget to sign up for more tips on EDU Events and EDU Blog!

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