How To Accommodate Different Learning Styles

When it comes to online education, it’s important to consider how to accommodate different learning styles.

Learning can be as unique as your fingerprint, and online learning can be a real lifesaver for some of us. You can work with different learning styles and personalities, so it’s perfect for team players and independent learners

Online classes might be perfect for you if you are different from the type who learns by carefully following instructions.

Of course, everyone has their own way of learning, so online educators need to develop activities that work for everyone. Also, you must switch things up and employ various techniques to get the most out of your online course.

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What are learning styles?

Finding the right learning style can be a massive pain point when taking on something new. We all have our unique ways of soaking up knowledge, and these ways are what we call learning styles. Think of them as blueprints that guide how human beings learn and teach.

There are many factors that influence learning style, including upbringing, experiences, and cultural background. It’s like a big package deal that includes everything the learner brings. Every learner has a distinct and consistent way of taking in, organizing, and keeping information. That’s why learning styles are a great way to determine how people interact with different learning environments.

One popular tool for identifying learning styles is called VARK. It acts like magic and helps determine which senses you rely on most when learning new things. It splits learning styles into categories based on your sensory approach, such as visual, aural, verbal (reading/writing), and physical.

What are the different learning styles?

There are four main types of learning styles out there. Let’s break it down!

First, there are visual/verbal learners who love seeing things and reading written words. These learners are all about PowerPoint presentations and reviewing textbooks in a quiet room.

Then there are visual/nonverbal learners who are like Picasso when it comes to learning. They love it when information is presented in a picture or design format, and they relate well to images and charts in textbooks. Watching documentaries is their jam.

Next, we have the auditory/verbal learners who are all ears when it comes to learning. These learners thrive when information is presented with audio, so give them a good old lecture or a group discussion any day. They never miss a podcast episode and love listening to audio recordings.

Last, there are physical learners who learn best when they’re physically doing something. They want to touch, move, and explore the world around them. Mini scientists who love conducting experiments and doing fieldwork outside the classroom.

While online learning may not seem the best fit for physical learners, there are still ways to accommodate their learning styles. Simulations with 3D graphics can replicate physical demonstrations, and lab sessions can be conducted on campus or at home.

This approach underscores the importance of flexibility and creativity in how to accommodate different learning styles, catering to the diverse ways in which students absorb and retain knowledge.

So, it’s critical to recognize each student’s preferred learning style and adjust your instruction accordingly if you’re an educator. Everyone will benefit greatly from your class if you do this!

What is your learning style?

If you want to know your learning style, take a few quizzes online and note your responses. Just be sure to use trustworthy websites. Remember that there are only right or wrong answers, and each person has a unique way of learning. It’s also essential to think about your own experiences and preferences.

Recall your most memorable learning moments and what made them unique. Combine that with the results of your self-assessments to get a good sense of your learning style. Don’t hesitate to chat with your instructor; they might have valuable observations about how you learn and suggestions to help you improve.

Once you’ve figured out your learning style, it’s time to tailor your learning experiences to suit your style. For instance, if you’re a visual learner, seek out visual aids. If you’re an auditory learner, try having a friend read aloud. And if you’re a physical learner, find ways to be hands-on.

The goal is to identify the approach that works best for you so that you can retain information quickly and efficiently.

How should you incorporate learning styles into your studying?

ipad screen showing group call

1. Visual learners

If you’re a visual learner, you might find it easier to understand lessons when it’s in the form of maps, flow charts, or web. These can help you see things more clearly and remember them better. And if you’re having trouble organizing your notes, try using different colors to highlight important information.

2. Auditory learners

Chatting with someone about the topic can significantly help auditory learners. Hearing the information out loud and discussing it with others can help you process it better. And if you’re struggling to remember notes, ask someone to summarize it for you in their own words. Plus, reading material out loud can be a real game-changer.

3. Physical learners

For physical learners, writing checklists can help you stay on track and focused. But why stop there? Why not act out the concepts you’re trying to learn? You can even get your friends involved and make a whole play out of it! And if that doesn’t work, try imagining yourself using the material in a real-life situation. It’ll make the lesson easier to remember.

Everyone has a unique learning style, and instructors must identify each student’s learning style to tailor their teaching strategies accordingly. Ultimately, understanding how to accommodate different learning styles can enhance the effectiveness of educational experiences.. 

If you want to get more tips for learning styles, join EDU Passport today and explore the content. 

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