Teaching English in France: Teaching Abroad

Eiffel tower at sunset for educators that wants teaching English in France

Are you feeling the wanderlust and ready to fulfill your romantic French fantasies by teaching English in France?

Don’t worry, there are teaching opportunities for all ages – even those nine month olds who are always babbling in English.

Just think about it – you get to learn the language of love (and maybe even impress that special someone), chow down on some fancy cheese and croissants, sip on some delicious wine, and explore the beautiful country full of history and architecture. And let’s not forget the pastries!

So if you’re really considering, buckle up because we’ve got all the info you need on how to teach English in France.

Why is France a good option for me?

From rural retreats to bustling cities, France has a lot to offer English speakers looking for new adventures.

The country has a rich and diverse culture, with regional customs blending to create a unique national identity.

Teaching English in France, you can expect to spend 5-25 hours in the classroom each week, leaving plenty of time for lesson planning and other business.

female tourist posing infront of lit up Eiffel Tower at dusk. tower and background are blurred

Advantages of teaching English in France

Unlike in some countries where the workweek is a grueling 40 hours, the French workweek is a more reasonable 35 hours.

In fact, there have even been discussions about lowering it even further to 32 hours per week.

And don’t even get us started on the food and drink – the French take their cuisine and wine very seriously. If you find yourself in France, you absolutely must visit Paris.

The city is a mecca for art, shopping, and entertainment, and is home to two of the world’s most iconic landmarks: the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.

And the best part? France is an excellent base for exploring the rest of Europe, with excellent transport links to other major cities.

Can I teach English in France without a degree?

No, sadly. To teach English in France, you’ll need to be a certified instructor with a fancy Bachelor’s degree and, ideally, a Master’s degree in your area of expertise.

To qualify as an English instructor in France, you typically need to have a Bachelor’s degree and a year of education experience, as well as TEFL or CELTA certification. 

But don’t worry if you’re missing a few of these credentials – they’re just general guidelines, and you may still be able to find a job even if you don’t meet all of them.

What Visa do I need to teach English in France?

You’ll need to make sure you’ve got the right visa or documentation, depending on your citizenship.

EU travelers can breathe a sigh of relief – you won’t need any special visas to work in France, thanks to the EU economic integration.

But for non-EU travelers, you’ll need one of the following: a student visa, a working holiday visa (Aussie and Kiwi applicants only), a residency permit, or a work permit sponsored by your school.

And don’t worry, there are even specific programs like the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) to help American tutors get the necessary long-stay visa.

How to get a job teaching English in France?

You’ve got a few options to choose from. You can go the independent route and work as a private tutor, or you can use an agency to find full-time or part-time positions.

Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even work on a per-hour basis at universities and high schools across the country.

If you’re looking for something more traditional, you can try your luck at private elementary and secondary schools or private international schools. International schools are typically the most prestigious and offer competitive salaries and benefits, but they may require a strong resume of prior experience and demonstrated success.

And for those wanting to gain some experience in France, organizations like the Alliance francaise offer teaching assistant positions that allow you to immerse yourself in the culture.

Along with that, there are several types of English teaching jobs available in France for complete newbies, including positions at private language centers and English camps.

Private language centers offer classes in the evenings and on weekends as supplements to regular daytime school instruction, and English camps are available throughout the year, particularly in the summer.

The school year begins in September, so make sure to plan ahead and allow at least six months for the process.

Keep in mind that schools will start figuring out their teacher needs in the early part of the year and advertise for positions during the summer.

Most positions are advertised online, even in the more rural areas of the country.

If you’re interested in working at a private English language school or as a business tutor, you can reach out to employers anytime throughout the academic year – they’re usually happy to take on new teachers.

You can also reach out to the local French Chamber of Commerce, and they may be able to connect you with a local organization in need of a tutor.

Just be prepared to supply some fancy, accredited versions of your degrees, and be ready for a phone or Skype interview.

How much can you make teaching English in France

With their top-notch education system, there’s always a demand for English speakers to come in and lend a hand in France. Plus, you’ll be able to add some international flair to your resume.

The pay is pretty decent – you can expect to earn between $1,000-$2,500 per month on average, and if you’re an experienced teacher with some specialized knowledge in certain industries, you’ll be in even higher demand.

Honestly it’s not even a bad deal, so go ahead and start practicing your “oui oui”s – your French adventure awaits!

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