Teaching English in Vietnam: Teaching Abroad

Smiling woman holding book and chalk in front of chalkboard with Vietnam flag

As the demand for English language education in Southeast Asia grows, Vietnam has become a popular teaching-abroad destination. This EDU Blog will provide guidance for teachers considering living and teaching English in Vietnam.

Why should you teach in Vietnam?

Teaching in Vietnam offers many benefits besides just an attractive destination for those who want to teach abroad. This country has a high educator demand, low living expenses, and rich cultural experience.

Vietnam is in high demand for foreigners due to the rapidly growing economy and desire to improve the people’s knowledge. This makes it easy for foreign educators to find jobs and negotiate good salaries and benefits. The cost of living in Vietnam is also affordable. Sometimes schools and education centers provide housing as part of their compensation package.

Asides the professional benefits, teaching English in Vietnam also provides rich cultural experiences. This country has an enchanting cultural heritage and world-famous cuisine. Vietnamese people are known for their warmth and hospitality, making it a welcoming environment for foreigners.

 In addition, Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, making it a dream location for travelers hoping to explore neighboring countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos. Teaching English in Vietnam provides a unique and valuable experience for those who want to absorb another culture while building a career.

Requirements for Teaching English in Vietnam

You may need a bachelor’s degree and TEFL certification to teach in Vietnam. The procedure for visa application and work permit requirements may be complicated. Therefore, you should have a minimum grasp of these things before moving.

General conditions for foreigners working in Vietnam include people:

  • Who are 18 years old and have a total capacity for civil acts;

  • Who has professional/technical/skilled/work experience;

  • Who are considered healthy according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health;

  • Who are not allowed to comply with the penalty/have not yet been eliminated/are being examined for penal liability under foreign law/Vietnamese law;

  • The person whose work permit is issued by the competent authorities of Vietnam. 

Other conditions that foreign educators need to meet to be granted teaching licenses in Vietnam include:

  • Have a legal working permit in the territory of Vietnam (if they plan to teach for more than three months);
  • Have a Vietnamese educational institution hires them to work and stay under the law;

  • Have enough documents to prove they are eligible and experienced to teach in Vietnam (qualifications, certificates of experience, professional-pedagogical certificate etc.)

  • Must have documents proving suitable for health and are subject to total civil act capacity. They must not be the object of criminal or criminally responsible.

  •  Must have the training department approved in writing by competent state agencies on the use of foreign workers or educators in Vietnam.

Find a teaching Job in Vietnam

Vietnam is a popular destination for foreign educators due to the increasing demand for learning English. Therefore, the employment market for English instructors in Vietnam is diverse and continuously developing.

Most positions teaching English in Vietnam are in language centers, public schools, and private schools. International schools also provide English teaching, but often require more qualifications and experience. The average salary for English instructors in Vietnam ranges from $1500 – $2000 per month, depending on the type of organization, location, and experience of educators.

Some tips for finding a teaching job in Vietnam:

  • Look through the various online work boards available: With a wide range of job opportunities available, you can easily find a teaching job that suits your location, wage, and qualification preferences. Whether you are interested in teaching English, ESL jobs, or online teaching, there are plenty of options for foreign educators. Check out our “EDU Jobs” page to start your search and discover your dream teaching job in Vietnam.

  • Network with other foreigners: Connecting with foreigners is another excellent way to find a job in Vietnam. Joining foreign groups online or attending foreign events. This helps you connect with other English instructors with internal knowledge about available teaching positions. You can also join professional organizations like TESOL Vietnam to connect with other experts in this field.

  • Prepare a strong CV and letter: Your CV and job application are crucial in ensuring a job in Vietnam. Ensure your CV is adjusted according to the job you are applying for, highlighting your teaching experience, level, and language proficiency. Your job letter should be written well, highlighting your enthusiasm for teaching in Vietnam and your ability to adapt to the culture.

Living in Vietnam

As a foreign educator, it is essential to understand the cost of living in Vietnam. The good news is relatively low living costs, especially compared to other countries.

Depending on the need, one-bedroom apartments in the city center range from $300 to $900 per month. Local restaurants offer delicious and cheap meals for at least $2 to $5. Public transport is also affordable, with buses that cost only a few cents and motorbike taxis costing a few dollars when traveling in urban areas.

Regarding health and safety, foreign educators should know the air quality in some cities, especially Ho Chi Minh City. The degree of pollution may be high, so wearing a mask during high pollution is recommended. In addition, traffic in Vietnam may be chaotic because motorcycles are very popular. Therefore, it must be wary when riding or crossing the road.

As a foreign educator, you must get used to the customs and cultural rituals in Vietnam. For example, wearing your shoes before entering someone’s house is practice. Wearing modest clothes is also essential when visiting temples and other sacred places. Knowing and respecting these customs can help foreign educators integrate into Vietnamese society and build stronger relationships with students and colleagues.

Generally, Vietnam offers a rich cultural experience for foreign educators, with many professional and personal development opportunities.

Final thoughts

Teaching English in Vietnam may be a lucrative and exciting experience, but it has its problems. It would be best if you made the most of your time teaching and traveling in this lively nation by learning the prerequisites, finding the ideal job, and adapting to the culture.

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