Free TOEFL Practice – Update Your Skills

The TOEFL, short for Test of English as a Foreign Language, is a standardized examination to evaluate English proficiency in non-native speakers. The TOEFL preparation process might be daunting, but practice is the key to success. In this EDU Blog, we’ll explore the benefits of a TOEFL certification, free TOEFL practice and how to prepare effectively.

What is TOEFL & why is it important?

The TOEFL is an essential test for non-native speakers who want to live and work in an English-speaking country. It is extensively utilized as a prerequisite for admission by universities, colleges, and other institutions worldwide. A strong TOEFL score is generally required for international students who want to study in English-speaking countries. A good TOEFL score can reflect your ability to excel academically in an English-language environment. It can assist you in reaching your academic or professional goals.

How to Prepare Effectively for the TOEFL Exam?

If you’re planning to take the TOEFL, it’s essential to practice in advance. TOEFL test preparation can help you familiarize yourself with the test format, structure, and content. It can also help you identify strengths and weaknesses, build confidence, and reduce exam anxiety. Here are steps to get you started:

  1. Setting a timetable is the first step to adequate TOEFL preparation. Decide how much time you can practice each day and create a schedule that works for you. Be sure to include breaks, time to rest and relax, and study time.
  2. Identify the areas where you need to improve and focus on them. This may include vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, or writing skills. Many free TOEFL  practice resources are available online, including sample tests, study guides, and interactive exercises.
  3. Practicing under test-like conditions is also essential for TOEFL test preparation. Create a test-like environment by timing yourself and simulating actual test conditions. This will help you get used to the pressure and time constraints of the test and improve your performance on test day.
  4. Review and evaluate your performance after each practice session. Record your mistakes and weaknesses and focus on improving them in your next practice session. This will help you track your progress and stay motivated.

  5. Staying motivated is the last piece of the puzzle regarding adequate TOEFL preparation. Keep your goals in mind and remind yourself of why you are practicing. Reward yourself for your hard work and progress, and stay optimistic even when you encounter setbacks or difficulties.


Tips for updating your TOEFL skills

1. Planning & motivation

PlanningPlanning is a significant part, helping you reduce the cost of money and time and achieve the desired exam results. Some planning tips:

  • Take a pre-test: Before learning about each section of the TOEFL, take the time to take a full test to determine your current score. Stay calm if the results are too low compared to your target. Once you know where you are, your planning will be much less complicated.

  • Divide your study plan into stages, for example:

→ Stage 1 – learn essential skills for each section (in 2 months)

→ Stage 2 – practice questions + review soft skills (2 months)

Motivation: The best motivation is to register for the exam in advance. When there is a financial investment already made, you will be more likely to apply yourself. 

  • Don’t study when you’re tired or at times when you feel distracted.
  • Define a specific time of the day to focus on studying.

2. Prepare for each skill


  • Skim the passage before you start reading the questions. This will give you an idea of the main topic and help you focus on the essential details.

  • Or, you can read the questions carefully first and underline keywords or phrases of the questions when you skim the passage. This will help you stay focused on what you need to find in the passage.

  • Only spend a little bit of time on any one question. If you’re unsure of the answer, move on and return to it later.


  • Skim the questions and take note of the keywords. Pay attention when the keywords appear in the audio.

  • Focus on the main idea of the conversation in the audio. Don’t get bogged down in the details.

  • Take notes as you listen. This will help you remember important details and stay focused.

  • Pay attention to the tone of voice and the speaker’s attitude. This can give you clues about the meaning of the conversation.


  • Practice speaking in English as much as possible. This will help you feel more comfortable and confident when it’s time for the test.

  • Use specific examples and details to support your ideas. This will show that you can think critically and communicate effectively.

  • Don’t worry too much about making mistakes. It’s more important to speak clearly and confidently.


  • Plan your essay before you start writing by sketching outlines and ideas. This will help you organize your thoughts and stay focused.

  • Use specific examples and details to support your ideas. This will show that you can think critically and communicate effectively.

  • Don’t worry too much about making mistakes. It’s more important to write clearly and coherently.

In short, TOEFL preparation is an essential part of preparing for the test. You can get good results by setting a schedule, focusing on your weaknesses, practicing in exam conditions, reviewing and evaluating your performance, and staying motivated. Don’t forget to subscribe to our community and join EDU Passport for more free resources.

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