Warm-up Your Virtual Class: Fun & Interactive Virtual Games

Courses are taught through online learning

Let’s be honest, virtual classrooms can sometimes feel dull and uninspiring.

Educators often struggle with finding the right activities to engage in virtual classes and provide a lively learning experience for students. Luckily, EDU Passport is committed to providing practical solutions  and support for modern educator’s needs. 

Let’s dive in to explore some exciting and entertaining ways to warm up your virtual class!

What's a virtual class?

A virtual class, also popularly called an online class, is a learning environment that exists outside the school premises.  

Contrary to traditional classrooms, where students must physically attend, a virtual class delivers education remotely, with the help of technology.

Since 2020, when Covid-19 caused global school shut-downs, this form of education has become more widely accepted in academic spaces. This means students from all over the world can now join any course or get any degree they want without ever stepping foot inside the four walls of a school building.

How to teach a virtual class?

To teach a virtual class, educators must be aware that designing an effective virtual classroom is a dynamic task and the first step for a successful virtual classroom experience.

Remember that whether in a physical or virtual class, the same rules of social-emotional learning (SEL) applies. Educators willing to teach a virtual class would benefit greatly from using social-emotional learning strategies like virtual class rules, virtual class greetings, virtual icebreaker games, break out rooms etc. to ensure students get the most out of their lessons.

To make online classes fun, virtual tutors often break up the lesson into manageable chunks with online virtual games to improve attention and interaction among students.

How can I warm up my class online?

There’s nothing worse than having crickets in a virtual class where students should be learning from and interacting with each other.

Virtual tutors know this is why it is important to start each class with a warm-up activity. A good warm-up helps students get into the right mindset, establishes a positive tone for the class, and creates a sense of community among learners.

But, coming up with engaging virtual warm-up games can be a challenge. EDU Passport is committed to supporting educators everywhere with resources to overcome such challenges, that’s why we’ve compiled a list of fun and interactive virtual games that are sure to get your students excited and ready to learn!

What are some good warm up games?

Two Truths and a Lie

This classic icebreaker game is just as fun in a virtual classroom as it is in person. Each student takes turns telling two truths and one lie about themselves. The rest of the class has to guess which statement is the lie. This game is a great way to get to know your students and encourage participation.


Pictionary is a fun drawing game that can easily be adapted for virtual learning. Divide your students into teams and give them a list of words or phrases to draw. The first team to guess correctly gets a point. This game encourages creativity and teamwork.

Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic game that never gets old. In a virtual classroom, you can use screen sharing to show the Simon Says commands. This game is great for getting students up and moving while also practicing listening skills.

Emoji Check-In

Use a virtual whiteboard or chat box to have each student share an emoji that represents how they are feeling that day. This game is a quick and easy way to check in with your students and create a sense of community.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items that your students can find around their house and set a timer. The first student to find all the items on the list wins. This game is a fun way to get students up and moving while also practicing problem-solving skills.


Create a list of trivia questions related to your lesson and have your students compete in teams to answer the questions. This game is a great way to review material and encourage friendly competition.

Alphabet Chain

To play, choose a category. Your students then name words that fit that topic, except that every proposed word needs to start with the last letter of the previous word. If a student is unable to think of another word, then they are out. The last student standing wins. Alphabet Chain is a fun way to expand students’ vocabulary while making sure everyone is concentrating in a virtual class. 

Would You Rather?

This game is a fun way to get students thinking and sharing their opinions. Create a list of “Would you rather?” questions and have each student share their answer. This game encourages critical thinking and discussion.

How to make a virtual game?

There are some virtual tutors who choose to DIY and create their own virtual games.

As long as you have some creativity, an internet connection and some devices like a tablet or a smartphone, anyone can make an educational game appropriate for a virtual class.

Would you like to learn how to make a virtual game from scratch? Follow these simple steps:


1. Choose a game that can be adapted for virtual play

You can create your own original game although many traditional board games can be adapted for virtual play, such as Monopoly, Scrabble, crossword puzzles, pair matching and chess.

After you decide, lean on software that are designed to build widgets to bring your virtual game ideas to ‘life’.

2. Use a platform that supports virtual games

Use these hacks to build your dream games and see how they can transform your virtual classroom!

Moving forward, virtual warm-up games don’t have to be boring or tedious. Even in academic settings, with a little creativity, you can create fun and interactive activities that engage your students and set the tone for a successful virtual class.

3. Add video and audio elements

Enhance your virtual games with video and audio elements, like sound effects, pop-up flashcards, animations, and video clips. This can add an immersive and engaging dimension to your game.

4. Focus on collaboration and social interaction

Virtual games can help to create a sense of community and collaboration among players, even when they are physically distant. You can include team-based elements, like group challenges or multiplayer modes, to foster social interaction.

5. Use gamification elements

Gamification elements like points, badges, and leaderboards can make a virtual game more engaging and competitive. You can also use elements like achievements or quests to add an extra layer of challenge.

6. Test and improve

Like any game development process, creating a virtual game needs testing. Playtest your game with a group of users and gather feedback to refine and improve the game over time.

Moving forward, virtual warm-up games don’t have to be boring or tedious. Even in academic settings, with a little creativity, you can create fun and interactive activities that engage your students and set the tone for a successful virtual class.

Use these hacks to build your dream games and see how they can transform your virtual classroom. For more free resources, sign up and join our community now!


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