7 Countries With Post-Study Work Visa For International Students

Post-study work visa is important for international students who wants to live in that country

According to a worldwide study, 4 out of 10 students consider the opportunity to work after finishing their studies, with the post-study work visa being a significant factor in their decision-making process.

Post-study work visas allow international graduates to work freely for a few years without any limitations. Although, authorities require them to return to their home country within a limited amount of time.

Discussions about immigration laws and visa regulations continue. As a result, many young people today show interest in countries that provide post-study work visas. Such countries have become a popular topic of conversation among aspiring students.

There are many countries around the world that offer post-study work visas to international students. Keep reading to discover them.

What is a post-study work visa?

A post-study work visa or PSW visa allows international students to remain in their study destination for a certain time-period. This is after completing their studies. The purpose of this is to secure employment and gain work experience in the host country. For such purposes, eligibility criteria vary by country.

Generally, students need to submit relevant paperwork to obtain a permit or a post-study work visa. After finishing their studies, international students can obtain a visa that offers employment rights for their family members. In certain countries, this visa also provides almost complete access to job opportunities for both the students and their family members.

The PSW visa permits students to work, start a business, volunteer, and travel to countries.

However, it’s important to note that the visa doesn’t allow access to public benefits like pensions or funds. Additionally, the visa prohibits the holder from pursuing a career as a professional athlete. 

Unlike the student visa, this visa cannot be renewed, meaning that students can only apply for it once.

What are the 7 countries with the best PSW visas for international students?

1. Australia

Australia offers a visa for students who want to stay and work in the country after finishing their studies. 

The visa is called the 485 Post-study Work Stream Visa. It allows you to stay in Australia for up to 4-5 years.

The best part is that you don’t need to have a specific job in mind to apply for this visa. You can apply no matter what your skills are. Be aware, you will need to take an English language exam to be eligible for the 485 Post-study Work Stream Visa.

2. United States of America

The United States is a great place to study and work in. If you want to work there after finishing your studies, here are some important things to keep in mind.

The US refers to the post-study work visa as Optional Practical Training (OPT). To apply for OPT, you need to have studied for at least 12 months. With OPT, you can work in the US for one year after completing your course. Additionally, you can even renew it later.

Students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) can extend their post-study work visa for an additional year. This is applicable in some countries.

3. United Kingdom

The UK is a popular destination for studying abroad, and it has a program called the Graduate Route that’s attracting a lot of attention.

This program was reintroduced last year. It allows graduate students to stay in the UK for two years after completing their course, and PhD students can stay for three years. To apply for this post-study work visa, you must have a valid student visa and have completed a course that lasted at least 12 months.

4. New Zealand

New Zealand is another great option for students who want to work after completing their studies.

If you’re studying hospitality, tourism, food science, management, agriculture, and more, New Zealand might be the perfect place for you to work.

New Zealand ranks twelfth in the world for providing work visas to international students after they finish their studies.

However, the rules and regulations for post-study work visas can vary depending on the country.

In New Zealand, students must have completed at least Level 4 of the education qualification system to be eligible for a post graduate work permit.

5. Canada

Canada’s high-quality education and excellent standard of living make it a popular destination for international students.

If you have graduated from a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada, you may be eligible for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP). This permit allows you to stay in Canada temporarily and work there.

However, to apply for a Canadian work permit, you must meet certain requirements first.

The length of your PGWP will depend on the length of your study program, which can be at least eight months up to three years.

6. Germany

If you are a student from a country outside the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA), you can work in Germany after you finish your studies.

You can extend your home license for up to one and a half years after graduation after you’re done with your final exams.

It’s best to start looking for work while you’re still in college or during your last semester.

During this one and a half year period, you can take up any job to support yourself while you search for a full-time job related to your field of study.

However, there is no guarantee that the job you get will be related to your field of study.

Once you have found a job in Germany, you can apply for the EU Blue Card program. This program allows non-EU/EEA nationals to work and live in Germany.

7. Singapore

Lastly, a small but influential country in Southeast Asia, Singapore, is known for its quality of higher education and research.

Some of the top institutions include the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University.

If you’re an international student, once your student pass has expired, you’ll be given a Short-Term Visit Pass, which allows you 90 days to look for a job.

If you’ve graduated from one of the Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) in Singapore, you can apply for a non-renewable one-year Long-Term Visit Pass.

International students may be eligible for three types of post-study work visas in Singapore:

– The Work Pass is for foreign professionals, managers, and executives.

– The S Pass is for mid-level skilled staff who must earn at least SG$2,500 per month and meet certain criteria.

– The EntrePass is for qualified foreign entrepreneurs who want to start and operate a business in Singapore that is venture-backed or has innovative technologies.

In a nutshell

Remember, there is no single answer that applies to everyone when it comes to choosing a country to study abroad in.

You need to evaluate the opportunities that will be available to you in your chosen country.

To work abroad after graduation and gain experience that will impress potential employers, it’s essential to choose a country that offers an excellent post-study work visa. If you want to get more information about International jobs or post-study work visa sign up today at EDU Passport and get access to our exclusive content.

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