Blended Learning: Combining Online & In-Person Education   

Blended learning is a new and interesting method that combines online and offline learning. You may wonder how to utilize this learning approach. In this article, EDU Passport will explain what blended learning is and how you can apply it in your teaching or learning.

Defining Blended Learning

The explosion of technology has significantly impacted the education industry. It creates an increase in digital transformation in teaching and learning. Advances in digital approaches to education were made even before the unpredictable birth of COVID-19 pandemic.

The definition of blended learning

Blended learning is a way of teaching that combines online and face-to-face interactions. Students can learn from their tutors in the classroom or through digital devices at home or anyplace else. Some examples of blended learning are flipped classrooms, hybrid courses, and virtual schools.

This learning method can be different for different schools, depending on their needs and situations. But generally, blended learning lets students interact with their tutors, learn at their own pace, and use technology to learn more easily and quickly.

Some benefits of blended learning

Students can learn online with blended learning. They can find information easily when they need it. They can also talk to their tutors easily with digital devices. This helps students have a good relationship with their tutors.

Education is not just about learning facts. It is also about managing time well. This learning method helps students and educators work and learn at their own speed and schedule. They can have the lessons from on-site classes if they want, and online if they need flexibility.

Blended learning makes communication easier for learners. They can get messages from their tutors about homework, tests, or other things. Education becomes cheaper and more open to many learners. It also improves the quality of education and the way of teaching.

The importance of blended learning in the era of digital education

Blended learning lets students study anyplace and anytime. Students are having better access to technology – which will create conditions for them to connect knowledge across countries.

This learning model is a transition from traditional to online learning model. Online education is an inevitable trend. Thus, schools and educators need to get ready for blended learning.

To successfully apply the blended learning model, besides the investment and change from schools and educators, the most important thing is the students themselves. They need to change how they think and study. They also need to find the most suitable learning habit for them to bring out the full effect of the blended learning model.

How can you implement blended learning effectively in your class?

Combining traditional lesson plans with online technology

If you have been teaching online for a long time during the Covid-19 epidemic, you may have some habits in your teaching and lesson design. You may need some help to try new teaching methods and lesson design. This can save you time and effort when you use technology in your lessons.

You can teach the main points of your lesson plan and add more technology elements with some examples related to the topic. You can use tools like videos, images, or websites to make the class more interesting and engaging. This is one of the benefits of the blended learning method.

Using technology platforms in the classroom

Many tutors don’t want students to use technology devices in class. They think they will distract them from learning. But sometimes, students get bored, tired, and lose focus when they only listen to the tutor.

A good idea is to let students use the internet to find more answers or questions about the lesson. This will make them more interested and curious. They will also learn better and remember longer when they do their own research and explain their findings. When students are getting used to this, they can develop the habit to explore knowledge on the internet even when they’re not at school.

Send interesting exercises to students

You can apply the blended learning method when giving homework to students. Instead of assigning available and dry exercises in textbooks, use technology to make those exercises more interesting for learners.

You can send your students interesting video links related to the lesson and ask individuals to analyze, learn or discuss with each other in the following lecture. You can also create online questions that are available on the internet with many attractive, richly illustrated examples. The innovation in teaching will generate more excitement for individuals in learning.

Alternate online learning sessions

The leading role of blended learning is the combination of online and traditional classroom learning. Therefore, tutors can change between online lessons and classroom learning.

This particular learning method will create innovation in the learning environment for learners and tutors. With blended learning, tutors can set up online classes anywhere, anytime to teach, help individuals learn, acquire knowledge and create motivation for students.

To sum up

If you want to take advantage of the benefits of blended learning, such as flexibility, better communication, and improved learning outcomes, it’s time to start implementing this method in your teaching or learning. EDU Passport can help you get started and explore new teaching and learning approaches.

Join EDU Passport and access valuable resources, tips, and support to make your blended learning experience successful. Don’t wait any longer, sign up today and take your education to the next level!

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