EDU Hacks: Parent-Educator Communication

Are you a parent or an educator who wants to communicate better with the other party? Do you want to support your student’s success by having clear and constructive conversations? If so, this EDU Blog is for you.

In this post, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to improve your communication skills with parents and educators. You’ll learn how to set clear expectations, resolve conflicts, give feedback, and build positive relationships. By following these tips, you’ll be able to help your student achieve their goals and have a great learning experience.

Why communication matters?

Communication is the key to any successful relationship. This applies to parents and educators as well.

Parents and educators communicate when they exchange information and feedback about the student’s progress in school. They can discuss the student’s learning goals, achievements, challenges, behaviors, and interests. They can use various methods to communicate, such as face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails, newsletters, or online platforms.

Communication between parents and educators is vital for creating a positive and supportive learning environment for the student. Research shows that communication between parents and educators can improve the student’s academic and social outcomes. Moreover, it can create a sense of trust and collaboration between families and schools, which is crucial for supporting students with special needs.

Challenges with parent-educator communication

To help students succeed in school, parents and educators need to communicate well. But this can be hard for many reasons, such as:

  • Trust issues: Parents and educators may disagree on what is best for the student. Parents may feel that educators don’t respect or understand their child’s needs and interests. Educators may feel that parents should trust their professional judgment and advice. These conflicts can make it hard to work together.

  • Time limits: Many people are busy and may not have time to talk often or at convenient times. Parents may have problems going to school events or meetings because of work or transportation. Educators may have little time or resources to contact parents outside school hours.

  • Communication gaps: Some parents and educators may speak different languages or come from different cultures. This can cause misunderstanding or confusion without proper translation services or cultural sensitivity training.

  • Technical problems: Some parents and educators may prefer or use different ways of communication, such as phone calls, emails, texts, apps, etc. But not all families or schools have access to good technology that can support these modes of communication.

EDU Hacks for effective parent-educator communication

1. Learn about parents' preferences

Knowing your audience is essential for effective communication. You can learn about the communication preferences of different parents by asking them at the beginning of the year through a survey or a meeting. You can also discover their language and their comfort level with various modes and settings of communication. This will help you decide which parents like to communicate by phone or text and which ones need formal written notices.

2. Set clear expectations

A good way to build trust and cooperation between educators and parents is to make sure they know their roles and expectations. For example, you can share the syllabus or curriculum outline of your course with the parents. This will help them see what their child is learning and how they are assessed. You should also keep in touch with them regularly, answer their questions quickly, and deal with sensitive topics carefully. This way, you can avoid confusion and misinformation.

3. Build trust

Effective communication is more than just informative. It is also relational and emotional. To build trust and rapport with parents, you should have conversations that show respect, empathy, and care. This means:

  • Listening attentively to their concerns and feedback without being defensive or dismissive;

  • Recognizing their strength and contribution as partners in education;

  • Asking open-ended questions that elicit their views and insights;

  • Sharing positive stories and anecdotes about their children;

Showing appreciation for their support and participation.

4. Celebrate student success together

When you praise students for their achievements, big or small, you motivate and empower them. You also show parents that you care about their children’s progress and learning. Some ways to share positive feedback with parents are:

  • Sending notes or emails

  • Calling them

  • Posting on social media

  • Creating a newsletter or portfolio

  • Hosting showcases or awards ceremonies

5. Address challenges proactively

Don’t ignore any signs of trouble in your students. Whether it’s academic, social, or behavioral, contact the parents as soon as you can and work together to find a solution. This will prevent the situation from getting worse and affecting other aspects of learning. You can also offer resources or referrals to help students overcome difficulties. Parents will value your concern and support.

6. Use multiple communication channels

Different communication channels have different advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that suits your purpose and situation best. For example, you can use:

  • Email or apps for regular reminders or updates;

  • Phone or video calls for urgent matters or complex topics;

  • Text messages or chat platforms for quick questions;

  • Face-to-face meetings for relationship building and sensitive issues.

  • Use visual aids, such as photos, videos, charts, or graphs, to make your messages more engaging and clear.

7. Be culturally responsive

Different families have different cultural factors that affect how they communicate. You should use language that is easy to understand and avoid words or phrases that might be unfamiliar or confusing to them. You should also pay attention to how you speak, gesture, and look at them and show respect for their values and beliefs. Moreover, you should ask parents what they think about your communication and learn from their backgrounds to understand their views better.


You want your students to thrive in and out of the classroom. But how can you communicate effectively with their parents and involve them in their children’s learning journey? That’s where our EDU Hacks come in handy. They are practical tips and strategies that help you build a positive and collaborative relationship with parents and empower your students to reach their full potential.

Visit our EDU Blog today and discover how you can foster a strong partnership with parents and make a lasting impact on your students’ lives. Don’t miss this opportunity – your students deserve it!

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