Education In Earthquake Tents In Turkey

Relief organizations are setting up earthquake tents in Southern Turkey following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake to provide shelter for those who lost their homes.

This earthquake has affected more than 13 million people. It has caused many of them to lose their homes and completely uprooted their lives.

The earthquake completely destructed several already-damaged buildings.

According to damage surveys, 173,000 buildings in 11 provinces have collapsed or sustained severe damage.

Although they were affected themselves, educators in Turkey made sure that the children continued to learn.

It’s crucial to keep education going, which is why they’re putting in a lot of effort to maintain it.

What is a Tent School?

Tent schools are alternatives to regular schools based in a building.

People often use these schools, which operate in earthquake tents with limited resources, in emergency situations.

The tents provide shelter and act as make-shift education centers. They’re usually made of fabric or plastic to protect the students from the elements.

Education in Eartquake tents in Turkey. A volunteer educator tell the lesson

Since these earthquake tents are not as spacious as buildings, they have limited accommodation, and not many students can study together.

As a result, teachers instruct students in several groups.

The Turkish Government and Education bodies took the initiative of setting up earthquake tents.

They had to assess the decision because the earthquake carefully and its aftershocks had impacted the area, and the country was on high alert.

However, during an emergency crisis like the current situation in Turkey, students are not required to attend classes.

It’s not safe to return to buildings, and it’s preferable to have these schools operating in open areas far from debris and destruction.

These tent schools also have limited energy resources, so they do not have many technological tools.

Are only volunteer educators working in the earthquake-affected area?

It had been reported that educators from that region were trying to make learning more easy and efficient for their students.

Many organizations have provided volunteers to help, but it’s not limited to just volunteers.

Volunteer and professional first aid specialist move the injuries and deads to Earthquake tents

Various welfare organizations have come forth with their support for Turkey and ambassadors have come forth to assist in these difficult times.

It’s important for teaching to continue, considering the trauma that has been experienced by the people of the region.

That is one thing that has diverted the minds of the students that have been directly affected by these earthquakes.

How effective is education in dealing with students' traumas?

Research suggests that children can suffer from emotional problems after experiencing traumatic events.

The way in which children respond to a difficult situation depends on certain factors that make them more vulnerable.

These factors include being present when the tragedy occurs, experiencing physical harm or the loss of a loved one, and not having their parents or caregivers present.

Along with that, having to leave their home or area and seeing a lot of damage can also become concerning and affect them mentally.

When children are impacted by a disaster, it’s crucial for their guardians to remain composed and provide reassurance.

Educators can have a significant impact on aiding children who have experienced challenging circumstances.

A woman is on debris. She wait to come help for her family move to earthquake tents

Tips for Educators that worked with children in Earthquake Tent

If educators notice that children act differently or have any of these symptoms for a long time, they should talk to a professional for help.

Acknowledge what has happened, but also emphasize efforts to cleanup and rebuild.

Allow children to talk about their feelings and concerns without forcing them to do so. It’s normal for children to have strong initial reactions.

It’s also important to be attentive to any signs that a child may be in harm’s way.

Children experiencing a traumatic event require psychological first aid.

This includes listening to their worries, ensuring their safety, and assisting them in connecting with their support network, such as family and friends.

Distressing events can affect children and young people even if they are not directly involved.

To assist them, it’s crucial to provide explanations that are appropriate for their age and to consider each child’s level of understanding and concerns.

For younger children, it’s important to give them clear information and reassurance of their safety.

On the other hand, older children may be more concerned about the safety of themselves and their loved ones.

Starting at their level of understanding and separating reality from fantasy can also help dispel rumors and ease their worries.

Strong emotional support, including peer relationships, can help children cope with natural disasters and tragedy.

In General

Educators worldwide need to be emotionally and mentally prepared for such challenging situations.

This is especially crucial when children are the ones most affected by these events.

The disaster that has struck Turkey has shown the resilience and dedication of educators.

Along with all those who are working tirelessly to ensure that children receive an education despite the challenges they face.
It is truly wonderful to see that educators are stepping up to support their students in the aftermath of this tragedy.

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