The Rise of AI-powered Plagiarism Checkers

AI powered plagiarism checkers

Plagiarism is a serious issue that affects academic integrity and credibility. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), plagiarism detection has become more advanced and accurate. AI-powered plagiarism checkers can scan billions of web pages and documents to find similarities and matches. They can also detect paraphrasing, hidden characters, and AI-generated content.

This EDU Blog will explore how AI-powered plagiarism checkers work and why they are important for content creators.

How Do Plagiarism Checkers Work?

Using someone else’s words or ideas without giving them credit is called plagiarism. It is a serious offense that can lead to failing grades, loss of trust, or legal problems. To avoid plagiarism, students and writers need to give proper credit to their sources and use their own words and ideas.

Plagiarism checkers are tools that schools and publishers use to find and stop plagiarism. They are software that can compare your content with many sources, such as web pages, books, journals, and papers. Then showing how similar your text is to the sources. They also mark the copied parts and give a plagiarism percentage and a list of references.

However, plagiarism checkers are not perfect. They may have some issues and limits. For example, they may miss paraphrasing, hidden characters, image-based text, or text made by AI. They may also make errors or skip some sources because the web is huge and changes a lot.

What is the role of AI in plagiarism detection?

This is where AI-powered plagiarism checkers come in. They are a new generation of plagiarism detection tools that can find copied content more effectively and accurately.

AI-powered plagiarism checkers use artificial intelligence to analyze and compare texts in depth, using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) methods. They can also give more feedback and tips to make the texts more original and better.

AI-powered plagiarism checkers can help improve academic content in different ways. Some of their main features are:

  • Finding AI-generated content, such as ChatGPT4, which can create realistic and coherent texts that may trick human readers and old plagiarism checkers.

  • Detecting different kinds of paraphrasing, such as changing words, synonyms, sentence structure, or word order, which can be used to avoid plagiarism detection.

  • Finding text plagiarism in images, which can recognize text in images or screenshots that text-only plagiarism checkers may miss.

  • Exposing attempts to cheat detection software, such as using hidden characters, white fonts, or different alphabets to hide copied content.

  • Detecting plagiarism in source code, which can compare programming languages and find logic, structure, or syntax similarities.

AI-powered plagiarism checkers search the web’s contents thoroughly for copied content. When they find plagiarized content, they send a report to the user with the plagiarism details. All academic content creators should check their content with a plagiarism checker.

Benefits and Limitations of AI-powered Plagiarism Checkers

Some of the benefits of AI-powered plagiarism checkers are:

  • Detecting more plagiarism types, like rewording, copying parts, translating, or using your own work.

  • Analyzing the texts’ meaning and context, not just words or phrases.

  • Learning from feedback and improving their performance over time.

  • Giving more useful reports and tips for writers to improve their writing and avoid plagiarism.

AI-powered plagiarism checkers also have some drawbacks:

  • Expensive and need more power and resources than regular plagiarism checkers.

  • Proning to bias or error in the data or algorithms they use.

Raising ethical and legal issues about data privacy, ownership, and consent.

Best AI-powered Plagiarism Checkers for Writers

If you want to write original content, you need a good plagiarism checker. But not all of them work well. Some might miss sources, give wrong results, or have few features.

To help writers find the best plagiarism checkers, we have made a list of some of the best plagiarism checkers that use AI to make them better and more accurate.

1. Grammarly

Grammarly helps you write better by checking your text for plagiarism, grammar, spelling, tone, word choice, clarity, and readability. It compares your content to more than 16 billion web pages and academic papers. Then it shows you how much of the text is original. Grammarly also gives you suggestions for citing sources, paraphrasing, or rewriting parts of your text to avoid plagiarism.

Grammarly’s readability score tells you how easy or hard your text is to read and understand. It uses the Flesch Reading Ease test, which gives you a score between 1 and 100. The higher the score, the easier the text is to read.

2. Quetext

Quetext is a popular tool for checking plagiarism. It uses AI to find exact and similar matches in many sources, such as web pages, books, journals, and more. Quetext can also detect plagiarism that changes words or word order with its DeepSearch technology.

Quetext shows how serious each match is with different colors and icons using its ColorGrade feedback system. It has a citation assistant that can make citations in different formats, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.

3. PlagScan

PlagScan is a tool that helps you check if your texts are original or copied from other sources. It uses AI to compare your texts with more than 20 billion web pages and books, journals, and papers. It shows you how similar your texts are with scores and links.

PlagScan also helps you avoid plagiarism with some features. One feature is PlagLevel, which shows you how much of your text is your own, copied, or changed. Another feature is PlagPolicy, which lets you set your own rules for how much similarity is okay and how to cite sources.

PlagScan also makes detailed reports on the plagiarism check of each text. The reports have charts, graphs, statistics, and more.

4. Turnitin

Turnitin helps educators and students check for plagiarism in academic work. It uses AI to find matches between texts and many online sources, such as web pages, student papers, and academic articles. It shows how much of the text is similar to other sources and where they come from.

Turnitin can also find other kinds of academic dishonesty, such as paying someone else to write the paper or working with others without permission. Turnitin can also give feedback on writing skills, such as grammar, style, and mechanics.


AI-powered plagiarism checkers are still a new concept and can get better. But they are a good and new way to stop and find plagiarism in the online world.

More people can use and afford AI technology as it grows and gets cheaper. So more students, writers, educators, and workers will probably use AI plagiarism checkers in the future.

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