How Can Foreign Educators Keep Working During The Off-Season

Suppose you are an expatriate who loves teaching abroad. In that case, you might wonder how to keep working during the off-season. The off-season can be challenging for foreign educators, especially if you don’t have a steady income or a long-term contract.

In this EDU Blog, we will provide foreign educators some tips to keep working during the off-season.

The off-season for foreign educators

If you are a foreign educator, you know how amazing and fulfilling it is to teach students from different backgrounds and cultures. But you also know how hard it can be to deal with the off-season, the gap between two academic years. The off-season can bring many challenges for foreign educators, such as:

  • Housing: Foreign educators may not have school-provided dorms or apartments and must find other places to stay, like renting, Couch-surfing, or staying with friends or relatives.

  • Visa: Depending on the country and visa type, you may have to renew, extend, or re-enter your visas. This can be expensive, complex, and risky.

  • Professional growth: Foreign educators may want to enhance their professional skills, learn new languages, or get more education. But you may need more resources, opportunities, or support in their host or home countries in the off-season.

  • Social connection: You may miss communication with your students, coworkers, and mentors. You may also have difficulty adjusting to your host or home countries’ cultures, lifestyles, and expectations.

These are some common challenges foreign educators encounter during the off-season. But you can overcome these obstacles. You can also use the off-season to grow, explore, and enjoy yourself. You can take advantage of the off-season to reflect on your teaching journey, plan for your next adventure, and appreciate your current situation.

How do foreign educators work off-season?

The off-season is when most schools are closed for holidays or vacations, and foreign educators have fewer opportunities to find jobs. However, this does not mean you must stop working or earning money.

You can keep working during the off-season and continue to develop your skills and experience as a foreign educator in many ways. Here are some of them:

  • Online teaching

Teaching online is one of the most popular and convenient ways to keep working during the off-season. Many platforms and websites connect foreign educators with students from all over the world who want to learn.

You can choose your schedule, rates, and curriculum and teach from anyplace with an internet connection. Online teaching can also help you expand your network and reach new markets.

  • Tutoring

Another way to keep working during the off-season is to offer tutoring services to local students or expats. You can tutor students who need extra help with their schoolwork, prepare them for exams, or teach them a new skill.

You can also tutor adults who want to improve their language proficiency, career prospects, or personal interests. Depending on your preference and availability, tutoring can be done in person or online.

  • Freelance writing

If you have a knack for writing and enjoy sharing your knowledge and insights, you can try freelance writing during the off-season. You can write articles, blogs, newsletters, ebooks, or other types of content for various clients and publications.

You can also write about your own experiences as a foreign educator and share your tips and advice with other educators or travelers. Freelance writing can help you showcase your expertise, build your portfolio, and earn some extra income.

  • Volunteering

Suppose you want to keep working during the off-season and positively impact the world. In that case, consider volunteering for a cause that you care about. You can volunteer for a local or international organization that works on education, health, the environment, human rights, or other issues.

You can also volunteer for a project that matches your skills and interests, such as teaching English, mentoring youth, building schools, or raising awareness. Volunteering can help you give back to the community, learn new things, and meet new people.

  • Traveling

Finally, if you want to keep working during the off-season and have some fun at the same time, you can use this opportunity to travel to new places and explore different cultures. You can travel to nearby countries or regions that have different seasons or holidays than yours, and enjoy the attractions and activities that they offer.

You can also travel to places that have more demand for foreign educators during the off-season, and look for short-term or part-time jobs there. Traveling can help you broaden your horizons, enrich your resume, and satisfy your wanderlust.


As you can see, there are many ways to keep working as a foreign educator during the off-season. You don’t have to sit idle and wait for the next school year to start. You can use your off-season time to continue teaching, learning, and growing as an educator.

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