Avoiding exploitative practices in international student recruitment

In today’s interconnected world, international student recruitment has become increasingly popular. 

Colleges and schools provide amazing opportunities for students to learn and explore different cultures. But it’s important to know that some unfair practices exist when it comes to recruiting students from other countries.

To solve this problem, we must be aware of these unfair practices and make sure we use honest and clear methods when bringing in international students. We should also focus on being fair and ethical to protect the well-being and help international students succeed.

What are the exploitative practices in international student recruitment?​

Exploitative practices in international student recruitment involve various unethical strategies and behaviors that compromise the well-being and rights of students.

Some common exploitative practices include:

Misleading Information

Some institutions or agents may provide false or exaggerated information about academic programs, career prospects, or living conditions, enticing students with promises they cannot deliver.

Financial Exploitation

Institutions may charge high fees, exploit students’ financial vulnerability, or impose hidden costs, placing undue financial burden on international students.

Visa and Immigration Fraud

Dishonest agents or institutions may engage in visa fraud, providing false documentation or manipulating the immigration process, leading to legal consequences for students.

Inadequate Support Services

Some institutions may neglect to provide adequate support services, such as counseling, language assistance, or cultural integration programs, leaving international students feeling isolated and unsupported.

How should International Students be recruited?

Attracting students from worldwide requires careful planning that takes into account their unique needs and backgrounds. To make sure that different students feel welcome and included, schools and colleges can use certain important strategies.

To begin with, it’s important to use a variety of ways to find students. This can include working with special education agents, going to international events, and forming partnerships with schools in other countries.

Secondly, creating marketing materials specifically for international students proves helpful.

This helps to translate essential information into different languages, showcasing the school’s diversity, and discussing the advantages of studying with individuals from around the globe.

Third, schools can enhance online accessibility by simplifying their website. Along with providing virtual campus tours, and using webinars and social media to engage with prospective students.

Making the application process simpler and giving clear instructions is also crucial. This helps international students understand what they need to do in order to apply and enroll.

It’s also important to create a supportive environment for international students.

This includes offering programs that help students prepare before they arrive, providing support with academics and social activities, and giving opportunities for students to learn about different cultures.

Where can international students work?​

Many international students not only focus on their studies but also want to work part-time to gain practical experience, earn money, and explore their new home.

Apart from on-campus and off-campus jobs, international students can also explore internships, co-op programs, and volunteer opportunities related to their field of study.

These experiences can give them valuable industry exposure, improve their chances of finding a job, and help them build professional networks.

It’s important to note that work opportunities can vary depending on individual circumstances, such as the type of visa, the study program, and the university.

Below are details on a few countries and their work rules for international students:

1. Canada

Canada provides lots of work opportunities for international students through its study permit program.

With a study permit, students can usually work part-time during the school year, up to 20 hours per week, and full-time during scheduled breaks like summer or winter holidays.

The jobs can be on-campus or off-campus, depending on the rules of the university and the province. Many colleges, like the University of Michigan and the University of Oregon, also have career centers that help students find suitable jobs.

2. The United States

In the United States, international students can work on-campus without needing any extra permission. You can also view opportunities as an educator in the United States at www.edupassport.io.

Jobs for students can include working as research assistants, library assistants, or in administrative roles within the university.

However, if students want to work off-campus, they usually need additional authorization like Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Optional Practical Training (OPT).

CPT lets students work off-campus as part of their curriculum, while OPT allows them to work after finishing their studies.

The length of OPT depends on the level of degree and field of study.

3. The United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, international students can work part-time during their studies, up to 20 hours per week during term-time, and full-time during holidays.

Students from the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) used to have the freedom to work without restrictions, but this might have changed after Brexit.

Non-EU/EEA students usually have limited job options, so it’s important for them to check the specific conditions and restrictions of their visa.


The issue of unfair recruitment practices targeting international students requires immediate attention. To address this problem, educators and schools worldwide must take proactive measures.

Transparency is crucial, with schools providing accurate information about their programs, admission requirements, and costs.

Furthermore, educators and schools must prioritize students’ best interests, ensuring program suitability based on qualifications. Providing comprehensive information and support before students depart their home countries is also vital for their preparedness.

By working together, we can foster a world that values and supports the dreams of every student. Sign up to EDU Passport today and learn more about addressing the issue of unfair practices in education.

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