5 awesome examples of microlearning

Did you know, according to a 2017 research, people involved in microlearning have 17% higher information retention rate then other traditional methods? Microlearning can help students and employees learn and train better in both school and work settings.

But do you ever heard the term microlearning? If not, then this EDU Blog will help better understand it.

What is microlearning?

Teaching with microlearning involves presenting short, easy-to-digest units of learning material in small, focused units. It’s a way to give information in small “chunks” that can be read and understood quickly, usually in just a few minutes.

This method is meant to meet the needs of present-day learners, who have less time to focus and want to learn when they have time.

Why microlearning gets popular?

Microlearning is famous for many reasons that meet the needs of today’s learning environment.

In an era of shortening attention spans, microlearning delivers concise, focused information that captivates and retains attention. The popularity of mobile devices also boosts the popularity of microlearning.

The microlearning brief format is easily accessible on smartphones and tablets, so learners can learn anywhere, anytime. Besides, people’s busy lives make it hard to find time to learn. The quick and manageable microlearning format allows people to learn without disrupting their daily lives.

What are the benefits of microlearning?

Some major benefits of microlearning are;

1. Better learning results

Microlearning gives information in short, focused bursts, which is a good fit for today’s short attention spans. Learners are more likely to stay interested and driven if they know the material won’t be too much or take too much time. This leads to more people taking part and better learning results.

2. Better retention

Short, focused learning lessons make it easier for students to take in and remember what they’ve learned. The spaced repeat that is a part of microlearning (revisiting information over time) helps people remember it for a long time. Learners can review smaller units more than once to ensure they understand.

3. Flexibility and accessibility

Content for microlearning is often offered in different ways and can be used on various devices. Learners can choose when and where to interact with the material, fitting it to their schedules and learning styles. This makes it more likely that people will keep learning.

4. Use of time

In today’s fast-paced world, there isn’t always much time for learning. With microlearning, students can learn new skills and information in short, focused lessons, making the most of their time.

5. Consistent learning

Microlearning helps create a culture of always learning. It is good for skill development and expanding knowledge.

6. Higher completion rates

Because microlearning lessons are small, learners are likelier to finish them. This is different from longer studies, where students might lose interest and quit before they finish.

7. Higher knowledge transfer

Because microlearning is short and focused, the most important information is shared clearly. This reduces the risk of information overload and makes applying what you’ve learned in training to the real world more accessible.

8. Cost-effectiveness

Creating material for microlearning is often less expensive than making long training programs. Smaller pieces of material can be made and updated more quickly.

What are the barriers of microlearning?

There are many benefits to microlearning, but organizations and educators should also be aware of the following possible barriers:

  • Because microlearning lessons are short, there is a chance that learners will only get a surface-level understanding of complicated topics. Without enough depth, learners may find it hard to connect ideas and use them in the real world.

  • Some things are harder to understand without a broader context. Microlearning may not provide learners with enough context to help them understand the bigger picture, which could lead to misunderstanding or incorrect perception.

  • Microlearning material is often based on digital platforms, which may not be available to all learners, especially in places without internet access or technology.

  • Microlearning is a good way to teach and practice skills, but it may not be the best way to get good at very complicated subjects that take a long time to learn and practice.

  • Even if the goal is brief, too many microlearning modules that are not well managed could be too much for learners to handle. Cognitive overload can happen when too much information is offered in too many different ways.

  • Although the goal of microlearning is to increase interest, poorly made or uninteresting material can still cause people to lose interest.Learners might not be interested in microlearning that is boring or keeps repeating itself.

5 Microlearning Examples

Here are 5 amazing examples of microlearning that are quite useful;

1. Microlearning Quizzes: Quizzes give students a set of questions to answer about a certain subject. They help you remember things, help you learn more, and give you instant feedback. Quizzes can be about many different things and of different types;

  • Knowledge Checks

After a short lesson, students can take a quick quiz to see how much they’ve learned.

  • Daily quizzes

Giving a question about a subject or skill everyday helps learners stay interested and remember what they’ve learned.

2. Vocabulary flashcards: Digital flash cards can be used for microlearning in language learning. Learners can find flashcards with a word on one side and its corresponding translation or meaning on the other on an app or website. This quick conversation helps people learn new words.

3. Infographic: Infographic summaries are made by making infographics that show the most important information or steps about a specific topic in a good way. For example, an infographic could show the important things that led up to a historical event in a history class.

4. Role-Playing Scenarios: Giving learners short scenarios in which they have to decide or act quickly. This is a great way to teach people skills like dealing with customers or resolving conflicts.

5. Tips on Grammar: To help people learn a language, send short tips on grammar by email or through a learning app everyday or once a week. Each tip could focus on a different rule of grammar, making it easy for people learning a language to understand how it works.

The final verdict

With increasing demand for personalized, flexible learning, microlearning is a top solution. Individual learners hold the key to the future of education and training, and microlearning can get them there.

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