7 International scholarship myths

Going to another country to study has always been a preference for students who want to get a great education from the best universities in the world. However, scholarship myths have distorted the truth, limiting opportunities for a lot of students globally.

Scholarships are a well-known way for students to receive financial aid for their education. However, not everyone fully understands how scholarships work. Applying for scholarships can feel overwhelming, especially with all the rumors and myths about financial aid going around.

In reality, scholarships are open to a wide range of students for various reasons. Academic excellence is indeed a factor, but financial need, involvement in extracurricular activities, and even special talents or backgrounds can make you eligible too.

Moreover, scholarships aren’t just for young students or those studying full-time; people of all ages and both full-time and part-time students can apply.

Why are scholarships important?

Scholarship programs for students are like a refreshing breeze on hot tropical days of challenges, and international students face even more obstacles. Many scholarships exist worldwide, especially in developed countries, to help students follow their dreams and pursue their goals.

Scholarships play a crucial role in helping communities and individuals overcome challenges. They help them get access a high-quality education, leading to better career prospects.

There are many inspiring stories of individuals who, through the opportunities provided by scholarships, went on to achieve great success and become millionaires. These success stories highlight the transformative power of scholarships for students facing difficulties financially. 

Additionally, they provide the opportunity to concentrate on studies without the added burden of juggling work and school, or worrying about accumulating debt.

Certain scholarships hold great value. For instance, becoming a Fulbright or Rhodes Scholar is not only a financial reward but also a distinguished honor that enhances one’s resume for a lifetime.

Moreover, some scholarships, like the Consortium Fellows, offer valuable networking prospects, simplified application procedures, and even potential career opportunities.

How many scholarships can you get?

There is no limit to the number of scholarships you can earn to help pay for college. However, you’ll only win the scholarships you apply for. So, the real limit is how many you can apply for.

It’s a good idea to apply for as many scholarships as possible and start early. That means you should begin searching for scholarships well in advance and find out when the deadlines are.

But keep in mind, you shouldn’t spend all your time searching and applying for scholarships.

Remember, you won’t be able to list “excellent at applying for scholarships” on your resume. It’s also important to give each application the attention it deserves. Rushing through numerous applications, even if you qualify, can harm your chances.

However, keep in mind that only a small percentage of students (less than 0.3%) receive enough scholarships to cover all their college expenses.

Scholarships are highly competitive. There are hundreds of applicants for each available scholarship. So, even if you’re gifted, applying for only one scholarship may not guarantee success.

Even impressive test scores aren’t unique as you might think, with thousands of students achieving perfect scores annually. Choosing a scholarship winner among numerous finalists is challenging, and sometimes small differences can make a big impact.

What are the 7 most common scholarship myths?

Below, are 7 of the most common scholarships that we’ll debunk and provide accurate information. Join our mailing list and never miss an update on insights about how you can grow as an international student! 

By understanding the truth, students will realize that their chances of winning a scholarship are much higher than they may have previously believed.

MYTH 1: You can only apply for one scholarship at a time.

TRUTH: You can apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously, as long as you meet the criteria for each of them.

Applying for multiple scholarships enhances your chances of receiving financial assistance. Simultaneously, it can effectively decrease the overall expenses of your education. 

MYTH 2: Scholarships are exclusively given at the beginning of a program.

TRUTH: Imagine you’re facing difficulties in completing your courses, and you could use some assistance to reach the finish line.

Contrary to what some may believe, scholarships aren’t only available when you embark on a new educational journey. In fact, they can often be accessed regardless of your current stage of studies.

MYTH 3: Receiving a scholarship will limit your academic options. 

TRUTH: It’s a common misconception that winning a scholarship means you’re confined to specific academic choices. 

However, in most cases, scholarship programs do not restrict your academic decisions. Additionally, if you receive a scholarship but decide to take a break from school for a semester or two, many scholarships can be deferred to be resumed later.

MYTH 4: Scholarships are exclusively for students with straight-A grades.

TRUTH: You might be wondering that scholarships are only awarded to students who achieve straight-A grades. 

The truth is, scholarships are available for a wide range of reasons. They can be based on academic accomplishments, financial circumstances, involvement in extracurricular activities, and even special talents or diverse backgrounds. There are opportunities out there for everyone, and it’s worth exploring them regardless of your grades.

MYTH 5: You have a slim chance of receiving a scholarship because there are too many applicants.

TRUTH: Remember, there are all kinds of scholarships providing valuable opportunities.

While It’s true that widely recognized and heavily advertised scholarships receive numerous applications. Many less popular organizations often express their disappointment for not having enough applicants. It’s always good to search for them.

MYTH 6: A scholarship only covers living expenses. 

TRUTH: Scholarships go beyond providing support solely for living expenses.

They encompass a wide range of costs, including tuition fees, travel expenses, equipment, books, and even printing expenses. A lot of scholarships are meant to alleviate the financial burden and ensure that different aspects of your education are taken care of.

MYTH 7: If you already receive financial aid, there’s no need to apply for scholarships. 

TRUTH: Scholarships are a type of gift aid that doesn’t require repayment, whereas financial aid often comes in the form of loans that must be paid back.

Therefore, even if you’re already receiving financial aid, it’s still beneficial to apply for scholarships. Scholarships can help decrease the amount you owe by providing additional funds that don’t need to be repaid.

Wrapping Up

Scholarships can help cover most or even all of the expenses. This gives many students the opportunity to pursue their dreams without having to worry about the cost. However, some myths make students think that they are not eligible to win a scholarship to study abroad.

So, remember this: don’t let myths and misconceptions discourage you. Take the time to explore your options and do thorough research. You never know what scholarships you might qualify for, so keep an open mind and believe in your potential.

Believe in your worth. Read our EDU Blog to overcome any misconceptions about scholarships and pursue your dreams for higher education!

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