Flipped classroom: Pros & Cons

In the last few years, the usual way educators teach has changed because of new and creative teaching methods. One of these new ways is called the “flipped classroom.” This way of teaching is getting more popular. It changes how we usually learn and teach to help students be more interested and understand better.

Now, let’s talk about the good and not-so-good things about this flipped classroom idea.

Flipped Classroom Pros and Cons

Use this self-assessment worksheet to evaluate your readiness for implementing the flipped classroom approach!

What is flipping a classroom?

Flipping a classroom is a creative way of teaching that changes how we usually do things. In a flipped classroom, students first learn the new stuff by themselves, usually from videos, readings, or online things, before coming to class.

Then, when they’re in class, they talk and work together, solving problems and doing activities. This helps them use what they learned before. The idea is to make students more interested, get them more involved, and help them understand things better.

How to flip a classroom?

Here are some steps you can follow to flip a classroom:

1. Pick the important stuff: Choose the main ideas that need more learning and can be done together.

2. Make things before class: Create fun videos, readings, quizzes, or things students can use to study before class.

3. Do things in class: Plan things to do together in class, like working in groups, talking, and solving problems using what they learned before.

4. Check how well it works: Make tests or questions to see if students understood the stuff before class and can use it during class.

Technology for flipped classroom

  • Video platforms: Websites like YouTube, Vimeo, or educational tools help educators make and share video lessons.

  • Interactive tools: Tools like Kahoot, Poll Everywhere, or Mentimeter make learning fun with quizzes and polls.

  • Online resources: Find good stuff online or use tools like ThingLink or H5P to make your own interactive things.

Activities for flipped classroom

  • Talk in groups: Students discuss what they learned in groups.

  • Solve problems together: Work as a team to solve problems and think hard.

  • Look at real stories: Study real stories to understand things better and use them in real life.

  • Pretend and learn: Play roles and do exercises that help you learn by pretending.

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Flipped classroom: Pros and cons


  • Active learning: Flipped classrooms make learning active. Students study the material before class, often through videos or readings. This gets them ready to talk, solve problems, and work together in class.

  • Flexibility: The flipped way lets students learn when and where they want. They can go over the material at their own speed, which helps different ways of learning and different schedules. This is perfect for students who have other things to do too.

  • Personal learning: Because students learn on their own before class, educators have time to help each student during class. This makes it easier to understand and remember what they learn.

  • Thinking more: In a flipped class, students do harder thinking like analyzing, putting ideas together, and judging. Since they already know the basics, they can use what they know deeper.


  • Technology can be a problem: Flipped classrooms need technology. But not everyone has the right things or the internet. This might not be fair for everyone.

  • Need to stay interested: Students need to want to learn before class. Sometimes it’s hard to stay focused and excited.

  • Waiting for help: In a regular class, students can quickly ask questions. In a flipped class, they might have to wait for the next class to get answers. This can be confusing and annoying.

  • More work: Getting ready for class takes time. Students might feel stressed if they have other things to do too.

  • Good resources matter: For the flipped way to work, the stuff students learn before class needs to be good. If it’s not interesting or well made, it might not help them learn.

To sum up

The flipped classroom way of teaching has good things and also some things that are a bit hard. It helps students learn by doing, gives them freedom, and helps each student personally.

But it needs technology, staying excited to learn, and making good lessons. Educators exploring this method should assess its benefits and drawbacks. They should also help students adjust to this new approach.

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    Flipped Classroom Pros and Cons