Unlock Your Creative Potential: 10 Techniques For Creative Thinking

Creativity is not a gift that only some people have. It is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. Creativity is essential for innovation, problem-solving, and personal growth.

But how can you become more creative? How can you unleash your creative potential and overcome mental blocks? This EDU Blog will provide ten techniques that can help you boost your creative thinking and spark your imagination.

Check 10 creative thinking techniques to unlock your potential

What is creative thinking?

Creative thinking is the ability to generate new and original ideas, solutions, or products that are useful and relevant to a given situation or problem. It involves divergent and convergent thinking.

Divergent thinking is the process of exploring multiple possibilities and perspectives. In contrast, convergent thinking is the process of narrowing down and evaluating the best options.

Types of creative thinking

Different types of creative thinking can be applied to different domains and contexts. Some of the common types are:

  • Fluency: The ability to produce many ideas or responses in a short time.

  • Flexibility: The ability to adapt to changing situations or requirements and switch between different thinking or perspectives.

  • Originality: The ability to generate novel and unique ideas or products that differ from existing ones.

  • Elaboration: The ability to add details, complexity, or refinement to an idea or product.

  • Imagination: The ability to visualize, fantasize, or create mental images of things that do not exist or are not present.

The difference between critical thinking and creative thinking

Critical thinking and creative thinking are both essential skills for solving problems and making decisions. However, they have different goals and processes.

Critical thinking is analyzing, evaluating, and reasoning logically and objectively. It involves deductive reasoning, which is concluding facts or premises. Critical thinking aims to find the truth or validity of an argument or claim.

Creative thinking is the ability to generate new and original ideas, solutions, or products that are useful and relevant to a given situation or problem. It involves inductive reasoning, which is inferring general principles from specific examples. Creative thinking aims to find the most suitable option among many possibilities.

10 Techniques for Creative Thinking

1. Brainstorming  

Brainstorming is a technique that involves generating as many ideas as possible in a limited time without judging or evaluating them. The goal is to produce many ideas, from which you can later select the best. Brainstorming can be done individually or in groups, using a pen and paper, a whiteboard, or an online tool.

2. Mind mapping  

Mind mapping is a technique that involves creating a visual representation of your ideas using words, images, colors, symbols, and connections. A mind map starts with a central topic or question, from which you refer to related subtopics and details.

Mind mapping can help you organize your thoughts, explore different perspectives, and find connections and patterns. You can create mind maps by hand or use a software application.


SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for seven creative thinking techniques: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. These techniques can help you generate new ideas by asking questions challenging the status quo, and stimulating your imagination.

4. Analogies  

Analogies are comparisons between two things that are usually different but have some similarities. Analogies can help you generate new ideas by transferring knowledge from one domain to another and finding parallels and connections.

5. Random input  

Random input is a technique that involves using a random word, image, sound, or object as a stimulus for generating new ideas. The random input can be anything that is unrelated to your problem or goal, such as a word from the dictionary, a picture from a magazine, a song from the radio, or an item from your surroundings. The idea is to use the random input as a starting point for making associations and connections with your problem or goal.

6. Incubation  

Incubation is a technique that involves taking a break from your problem or goal and letting your subconscious mind work on it. Incubation can help you generate new ideas by allowing your brain to process information, make connections, and find insights without conscious effort. Incubation can happen when you do something unrelated to your problem or goal, such as sleeping, walking, showering, or playing.

7. Constraints  

Constraints are limitations or restrictions that you impose on yourself or your situation. Constraints can help you generate new ideas by forcing you to think outside the box and find creative solutions. Constraints can be related to time, budget, resources, quality, quantity, or any other aspect of your problem or goal.

8. Divergent and convergent thinking  

Divergent and convergent thinking are two complementary modes of thinking that are essential for creative thinking. Divergent thinking is the ability to generate many different ideas, options, or possibilities. Convergent thinking is the ability to evaluate, select, and refine the best ideas, options, or possibilities. Divergent and convergent thinking can help you generate new ideas by following a cycle of exploration and evaluation.

9. Asking why  

Asking why is a technique that involves questioning the assumptions, beliefs, and reasons behind your problem or goal. Asking why can help you generate new ideas by challenging the status quo and finding the root cause of your problem or goal. Asking why can also help you clarify your purpose and motivation for solving your problem or achieving your goal.

10. Collaboration  

Collaboration is a technique that involves working with others to generate new ideas. Collaboration can help you generate new ideas by leveraging the diversity of skills, knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of different people. Collaboration can also help you improve your ideas by getting feedback, support, and validation from others.

Key insights

You can unleash your creativity and improve your creative thinking with these 10 techniques. They will help you build your creativity as a skill and habit that you can use in any situation. Creativity is not a gift that only some people have; it is a potential that everyone has.

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