The 10 Best Deep Learning Courses (Free & Paid)

Deep Learning Courses are part of learning about Artificial Intelligence

Deep learning courses, which are a part of learning about artificial intelligence, have made big changes in the world of computer science. They help computers to learn and do hard tasks like recognizing pictures, understanding language, and creating speech.

In 2023, deep learning is still changing fast, and there are many online classes for people at all levels. The hard part is picking the right class for what you want to learn. To help you with this, we made a list of the top 10 deep learning courses.

Some of them are free, and some cost money, and you can try them now. They are good for both people who are just starting or already know a lot. No matter if you want to begin deep learning or get even better, there is a class for you in this EDU Blog!

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Take a look at our deep learning course selection checklist

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a part of artificial intelligence (AI) that has become very important in the last few years. It’s all about the concept called ‘neural networks,’ which are similar to how our brains work.

In deep learning, these neural networks have many layers that help computers handle and understand huge amounts of information. This technology is the driving force behind numerous AI applications.

10 Best Deep Learning Courses

If you want to learn deep learning, you might be overwhelmed by the plethora of online courses available. How do you choose the best one for your needs and goals?

To help you out, we have compiled a list of the 10 best deep learning courses (free and paid) that you can take in 2023.

These courses cover the fundamentals of deep learning, as well as some advanced topics and practical projects. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something suitable for your level and interest.

Here are the 10 best deep learning courses (free and paid) in 2023:

1. Deep Learning Specialization by Coursera  

This is a series of five courses taught by Andrew Ng, one of the pioneers of deep learning and the co-founder of Coursera. The courses cover the basics of neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, sequence models, and generative models.

You will also learn how to build and train deep learning models using TensorFlow and PyTorch. The courses are free to audit, but you need to pay a fee to get a certificate.

2. Deep Learning Nanodegree by Udacity  

This is a four-month program that teaches you how to build and deploy deep learning models using TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and AWS.

You will learn how to use deep learning for computer vision, natural language processing, generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and more.

Moreover, you will work on real-world projects and get feedback from mentors and peers. To access the course, you must sign up to Udacity and pay a fee of $249 per month.

3. Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks by Udemy  

This is a popular course that teaches you how to create deep learning models from scratch using Python and Keras. You will learn how to use artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, autoencoders, and more.

You will also work on practical projects such as image recognition, text generation, stock price prediction, and more. This is a paid course, but you can get a discount if you’re a new user.

4. Practical Deep Learning for Coders by  

This is a free course that teaches you how to use, a high-level library that simplifies deep learning with PyTorch.

You will learn how to use for computer vision, natural language processing, tabular data, collaborative filtering, and more. You will also learn some advanced topics such as optimization, regularization, data augmentation, transfer learning, and more.

5. Deep Learning in Python by DataCamp  

This is a course that teaches you how to use Python and Keras to build and train deep learning models. You will learn how to use artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory networks, and more.

You will also work on interactive exercises and projects such as image classification, sentiment analysis, time series forecasting, and more. The course is part of the DataCamp subscription plan that costs $29 USD per month or $149 USD per year for individuals.

6. Introduction to Deep Learning by MIT OpenCourseWare  

This is a free course that teaches you the theory and practice of deep learning using TensorFlow and PyTorch. You will learn about the mathematical foundations of deep learning, such as linear algebra, calculus, optimization, probability, and statistics.

You will also learn about various deep learning models and their applications. These include feedforward networks, convolutional networks, recurrent networks, attention mechanisms, transformers, generative models, and more.

7. Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Coursera  

This is a course that teaches you the basics of neural networks and deep learning. By the end, you’ll understand key tech trends fueling deep learning’s popularity. Moreover, you will be able to create, train, and apply deep neural networks in your projects.

The course is free to audit, but you need to pay a fee to get a certificate.

8. Deep Learning with PyTorch by Udemy.  

This is a course that teaches you how to use PyTorch, a popular framework for deep learning, to build and train various types of neural networks.

You will learn how to use PyTorch tensors, autograd, optimizers, loss functions, data loaders, and more. You will also learn how to use PyTorch for computer vision, natural language processing, generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and more.

This is a paid course, but you can get a discount if you’re a new user.

9. Applied AI with DeepLearning by IBM Cognitive Class  

This is a Coursera course that teaches you how to use IBM Watson, a cloud-based platform for artificial intelligence, to build and deploy deep learning models.

You will learn how to use Watson Studio, Watson Machine Learning, and Watson OpenScale to create and manage deep learning projects. You will also learn how to use deep learning for image recognition, text analysis, speech recognition, and more.

The course is free to audit, but you need to pay a fee to get a certificate.

10. Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch by O’Reilly  

This is a book that teaches you how to use fastai and PyTorch to build and train state-of-the-art deep learning models.

You will learn how to use fastai’s high-level API to simplify common tasks such as data loading, preprocessing, augmentation, training, testing, and deployment.You will also learn how to use PyTorch’s low-level API to customize and extend your models.

In addition, you will learn some advanced topics such as optimization, regularization, data ethics, and more. The book costs about $40 USD for the print edition or $68 USD for the ebook edition.

In general

As you explore the wide world of deep learning, remember that your learning journey is just as important as reaching your goals.

We’ve highlighted ten deep learning courses that offer various paths. You can dive into deep learning theories at respected schools like MIT. You can also utilize helpful open-source tools like or use cloud-based solutions like IBM Watson. The choice is yours, and there are many possibilities.

In any course, maximize your learning through engagement, collaboration, and hands-on projects. Deep learning isn’t just about reaching the end; it’s also about gaining knowledge and experience along the way.

So, pick the course that matches your goals and interests, and start an exciting journey into the world of deep learning in 2023.

Which course are you most interested in? Share this EDU Blog so your friends and colleagues know about these deep learning courses too!

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