EDU Hacks: 20 Best School Fundraising Ideas

Lets look at the best school fundraising ideas

Are you looking for some creative and effective ways to raise money for your school? Whether you need funds for a new playground, a field trip, a library, or anything else, you can use the 20 best school fundraising ideas in this EDU Blog to make it happen.

Here's our fundraising planner template

What Do Schools Raise Money for?

Schools raise money for different purposes, depending on their needs and goals. Some of the common reasons why schools fundraise are:

  • To improve the quality of education by purchasing new books, technology, or curriculum materials.

  • To provide more opportunities for students by funding extracurricular activities, sports teams, or academic competitions.

How to Do Fundraising for School?

Fundraising for school can be challenging, especially if you have a limited budget, time, or resources. However, there are some tips that can help you plan and execute a successful school fundraiser before you look at school fundraising ideas:

  • Set a clear and realistic goal  

Decide how much money you want to raise and what you will use it for. Make sure your goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).

  • Choose one of the suitable school fundraising ideas  

Pick a fundraiser that matches your goal, audience, and resources. Consider the interests, preferences, and needs of your donors and participants. Also, think about the costs, logistics, and legal aspects of your fundraiser.

  • Promote your fundraiser  

Spread the word about your fundraiser through various channels, such as flyers, posters, newsletters, emails, social media, or websites. Use catchy slogans, images, and stories to attract attention and inspire action. Don’t forget to thank your supporters and acknowledge their contributions.

  • Evaluate your fundraiser  

After your fundraiser is over, analyze the results and measure the impact. Compare your actual income and expenses with your projected ones. Identify what worked well and what can be improved. Share your feedback and outcomes with your team and stakeholders. Be open the new school fundraising ideas.

20 Best School Fundraising Ideas You Can Try

1. Sell Custom T-shirts 

Design and sell t-shirts with your school logo, motto, or mascot. You can use an online platform like Bonfire or Custom Ink to create and sell your shirts. You can also ask local businesses to sponsor your shirts and display their logos on them.

2. Host a Talent Show  

Showcase the talents of your students, educators, and staff by hosting a talent show. You can charge an admission fee, sell tickets for raffle prizes, and accept donations during the show. You can also livestream the show online and ask viewers to donate.

3. Organize a Walk-a-thon 

A walk-a-thon is a fun and healthy way to raise money for your school. You can ask participants to collect pledges from their friends and family for each lap or mile they walk. You can also offer incentives like prizes, certificates, or trophies for the top walkers.

4. Hold a Bake Sale

A bake sale is one of the most classic school fundraising ideas. You can ask students, parents, and educators to bake and donate cookies, cakes, pies, and other treats. Then sell them at your school, at a local event, or online.

5. Create a School Calendar  

A school calendar is a great way to showcase your school spirit and raise money at the same time. You can feature photos of your students, educators, staff, clubs, sports teams, and events each month. You can sell the calendars to your school community and beyond.

6. Run a Silent Auction  

A silent auction is a fun and exciting way to raise money for your school. You can ask local businesses, organizations, and individuals to donate items or services that you can auction off. You can display the items online or in person and let people bid on them silently.

7. Host a Trivia Night  

A trivia night is a fun and challenging way to raise money for your school. You can create trivia questions based on different topics like history, science, pop culture, or your school itself. You can charge an entry fee, sell food and drinks, and offer prizes for the winners.

8. Sell Candy Grams  

Candy grams are a sweet way to raise money for your school. You can sell candy bars, lollipops, or other treats with personalized messages attached to them. You can deliver them to the recipients at school or mail them to their homes.

9. Organize a Car Wash  

A car wash is a simple and effective way to raise money for your school. You can ask students, parents, and educators to volunteer to wash cars in exchange for donations. You can also sell refreshments and snacks while people wait for their cars.

10. Hold a Book Fair  

A book fair is a great way to promote literacy and raise money for your school. You can partner with a local bookstore or an online platform like Scholastic to sell books at your school or online. You can also host reading activities, author visits, and contests during the book fair.

11. Host a Bingo Night  

A bingo night is a fun and easy way to raise money for your school. You can buy or make bingo cards and use a random number generator or a bingo machine to call out the numbers. You can charge an entry fee, sell food and drinks, and offer prizes for the winners.

12. Sell Popcorn

Selling popcorn is one of the most popular school fundraising ideas. It’s a timeless idea too, because who doesn’t love popcorn? You can buy popcorn in bulk or make your own with different flavors and toppings. It’s so popular that you can sell popcorn at your school, at local events, or even online.

13. Host a Karaoke Night  

A karaoke night is a fun and entertaining way to raise money for your school. You can rent or buy a karaoke machine and let people sing their favorite songs in front of an audience. You can charge an entry fee, sell food and drinks, and accept donations during the night.

14. Sell Coffee Mugs  

Coffee mugs are a practical and customizable item that you can sell to raise money for your school. You can design and print mugs with your school logo, name, colors, or slogan. You can also add photos or quotes from your students, educators, or staffC

15. Organize a Garage Sale  

A garage sale is a great way to get rid of unwanted items and raise money for your school. You can ask students, parents, educators, and staff to donate their gently used clothes, books, toys, furniture, and other items that they no longer need or want.

16. Host a Movie Night  

A movie night is a fun and relaxing way to raise money for your school. You can choose a movie that is suitable for your audience and project it on a large screen or a wall. You can charge an admission fee, sell popcorn and drinks, and offer blankets and pillows for comfort.

17. Sell Pizza  

Pizza is universally accepted as delicious. Domino’s has passed the vibe check in every country. Start raking in cash for your school fundraiser with a quick stop at the closest Domino’s.

Are you searching for a more budget-friendly option? You can partner with a local pizza place you enjoy or make your own pizza from scratch with different toppings and sizes. You can sell pizza by the slice or by the box at your school or online.

18. Organize a Dance-a-thon  

A dance-a-thon is a fun and energetic way to raise money for your school. You can ask participants to collect pledges from their friends and family for each hour or minute they dance. You can also offer incentives like prizes, certificates, or trophies for the top dancers.

19. Sell Wristbands  

Wristbands are one of the most trending school fundraising ideas. If you’re looking for an affordable yet fashionable piece that you can sell to raise money for your school, wristbands are the answer!

You can design and order wristbands with your school name, colors, or motto. You can also add symbols or messages that represent your cause or goal.

20. Host a Carnival  

A carnival is a fun and festive way to raise money for your school. You can set up different games, rides, booths, and attractions at your school or a nearby park. You can charge an entry fee, sell tickets for each activity, and offer prizes for the winners.

Ready to Get Started? Choose One of the School Fundraising Ideas and Take the First Step Today!

By setting clear goals, choosing the right school fundraising ideas, spreading the word effectively, and looking at the results, you can make your school’s fundraising effort a success. So, let’s get started, and let these ideas inspire your school’s fundraising adventure!

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