Teaching English in Spain: Teaching Abroad

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Teaching English in Spain is a wonderful experience and something that you’ll truly enjoy.

The country is famous for its stunning landscapes that will make you feel like you’re on a postcard, its diverse cultures that will transport you around the world, and its delicious food and wine that will make you wish you could stay forever.

Each region has its own unique personality and boasts a rich history that will make you feel like you’re traveling back in time.

Plus, why wouldn’t you want to experience the famous fiestas, siestas, and tapas of this amazing country?

The country is especially popular for retirement, but more and more young professionals are also flocking to Spain for its amazing climate and top-notch quality of living.

So, if you’re thinking about becoming an English teacher in Spain and want to know what to expect, this guide has all the deets you need. Consider it your one-stop-shop for everything related to teaching English in Spain.

Sure, it can be a bit competitive, and it might take some elbow grease to land a teaching job, but trust us, it’ll be worth it.

A woman teaching english in spain

Why is Spain such a hot spot for teaching English?

With a huge expat community, it’s no surprise that teaching English in Spain is a popular choice, especially if you’re a foreigner. Spain is a laid-back country that values enjoying good food and drinks with friends and family. Staring is not considered rude, businesses often close midday for a siesta (or a nap), and lunch is typically eaten between 1-4 pm and dinner after 9:30 pm.

Spanish people can be direct and blunt but generally mean well. In the workplace, communication is important, and it’s considered polite to greet coworkers and chat with them during breaks. Plus, the teaching environment is pretty chill, which makes it easy to find that elusive work-life balance we all crave.

Can I teach English in Spain without a degree?

So you think just because you can order a ‘Grande Mocha Frappuccino’ at Starbucks, you’re automatically qualified to teach English to a bunch of Spanish folks? Not really.

You’ll need to have some pretty fancy qualifications depending on the gig you’re after. For example, if you want to be a language assistant, you’ll need at least an associate’s degree for the government program or a bachelor’s degree for the private programs. Most language schools and private families want to make sure their English instuctors have some legit training before they entrust them with the future linguistic abilities of their beloved countrymen. That’s why nearly all of them require a fancy-schmancy (accredited) TEFL certification. By taking a TEFL certification course, you’ll be able to enroll in some part-time language classes and score yourself a student visa.

Two woman are in office that teach english in spain

And just like that, suddenly you’re legally living and teaching English in Spain. Public schools, on the other hand, are super exclusive and only want educators who have a Spanish teaching degree, residency, and ace grades on those pesky state exams.

Private schools, generally, are a bit more lenient and will accept teaching certification from your home country. Semi-private schools will take either an official Spanish teaching degree in preschool or primary school or a Spanish master’s degree for high school. Phew, that’s a lot of qualifications! But don’t worry, with all that fancy education, you’ll do just fine.

Where can I apply for English teaching jobs in Spain?

You could try your hand at teaching at one of the many language schools scattered across the country. However, prepare for some long hours (and maybe not the highest pay) as you help students of all ages and backgrounds improve their English skills. Or, if you’re feeling a bit more fancy, you could try your luck at a private or international school. These jobs may require some previous teaching experience and a basic understanding of Spanish.

For the academic types, teaching English at a university in Spain might be the way to go, just be sure to have all your fancy degrees in order before applying.Also, if you’re feeling brave, you could even try your hand at the Ministry of Education’s language and cultural assistant program in public schools.

A happy students in English lesson in Spain

It is clear that teaching English in Spain can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it is important for educators to be aware of the necessary qualifications and expectations of the job.

Oh, and don’t be surprised if you end up accidentally teaching your students to speak fluent gibberish instead of English, it happens to the best of us. So go forth and teach English in Spain, and don’t even think about skipping out on the churros con chocolate and sangria while you’re there.

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