Supporting The International Day of Education

A group of international students in class.

Education is a fundamental human right contained in the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. Education is a key factor for human development across personal, social, and economic spheres. And the International Day of Education is marked each year on January 24. This day is marked by the United Nations to celebrate the role of education in promoting peace and development around the world. It is a day to recognize the importance of education for all. Also, it advances equal access to quality education for everyone, regardless of their location, background, or circumstances.

An image of a teacher teaching a classroom full of teenagers.

“To invest in people, prioritize education.” is a theme for The International Day of Education 2023. This theme highlights social cohesion, and the need to prioritize human assets in an increasingly digitized era. It also highlights the importance of investing in education as a way to build a more inclusive and prosperous world. These are some ways to get involved with supporting the UN’s education goals and participate in the International Day of Education, 2023.

Spread the International Day of Education through social media

The rise of social media has made sharing information almost seamless. In the last decade, social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter gained popularity globally. And they have become go-to sources of news and information for the public. With billions of users around the world daily, social media is the perfect tool for reaching large audiences and influencing public opinion. Because posts have the potential to go viral in mere hours.  This year, share details about the International Day of Education on your social media accounts. So, you can encourage others to do the same. Additionally, be sure to use relevant hashtags to improve your post visibility and engagement.

Organize a local event for the International Day of Education

In line with the theme, consider organizing an academic event in your community or virtual space. This could be a conference, workshop, discussion group, or lecture to raise awareness and commemorate the day.

Partner with schools and educational institutions

Partnering with local schools and educational institutions proves effective in celebrating the day. You could work with schools to include information about the special day in their lesson plans, or hold a special assembly with the aim of increasing awareness of the international day of education theme for the year.

Take action to advocate for education and support education initiatives

Lend your voice to support education initiatives in your community or around the world. This could be through volunteering, donating money, or resources.  You could also join activists worldwide who use the day to advocate for policies that promote equal access to quality education. Take actions like writing letters to politicians, participating in education-related campaigns, or supporting outreaches by organizations that work to promote education.

Write articles or blog posts

A great way to reach your immediate community is through publishing articles or blog posts that share relevant information about the international day of education and the importance of education.

Contact local media

Reach out to local media outlets like radio broadcasts and share information about the International Day of Education. This can help to get the word out to a larger audience and raise awareness about the value of education to the community.

According to the World Bank, each extra year of schooling can increase an individual’s earnings by 10-20%. Educated individuals are also more likely to join the workforce, which can drive economic growth and development. Hence, education is necessary in tackling global poverty and promoting economic development.

The message behind the International Day of Education, 2023 is that education is crucial for personal and societal development. Education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to understand and respect different cultures and perspectives. Thus, it helps to increase social cohesion and reduce conflicts. Education also helps individuals to develop critical thinking skills, making them more informed and engaged citizens, and improving informed decision-making for the general welfare.

Since education is a vital part of building strong, healthy communities, it is important to recognize and celebrate the International Day of Education. The COVID-19 disruptions have had many negative impacts on disadvantaged communities, and this year’s theme provides a great opportunity to reduce that impact. By supporting the International Day of Education, we can raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities created by the pandemic and work towards restoring education for the COVID-19 generation.

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