Effective Study Habits: Dos & Don’ts for Students

Female student studying alone with textbooks and a laptop

While studying is necessary for academic and professional success, it can also be a cause of stress and frustration for many students. How can you optimize your study time but also achieve your learning goals? In this EDU Blog we’ll present some DOs and DON’Ts for effective study habits that will help you enhance your performance while still having a bit of fun with your studies.

DO: Create a study schedule and stick to it

One of the most effective ways to study is to prepare ahead of time and create a realistic study plan for yourself. This will aid in avoiding procrastinating, managing your time effectively, and prioritizing your objectives. A good schedule should include the following elements:

  • A list of your study goals and objectives for each subject or course

  • A breakdown of your study materials and resources, such as textbooks, notes, online lectures, etc.

  • A timeline for completing your assignments, projects, quizzes, exams, etc.

  • A balance between study sessions and breaks, as well as other activities and commitments

  • A review of your progress and achievements at regular intervals

DO: Find your optimal study environment and method

When it comes to studying, everyone has various tastes and styles. There are individuals who find pleasure in studying independently, whereas others prefer studying collectively. While some prefer studying in silence, others find a bit of background noise helpful. Certain people choose to study at the crack of dawn, while others find the nighttime hours more conducive to their studies.

The important thing is to figure out what works best for you and stick to it. To choose your ideal study environment and approach, you should:

  • Experiment with different settings, times, and formats

  • Consider your learning style and personality

  • Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses

  • Seek feedback and advice from others

DO: Use active learning techniques

Don’t just read or listen passively; actively engage with the information. You can utilize mnemonic devices, flashcards, diagrams, charts, or other visual aids to help you recall and absorb the material knowledge better.

Active learning techniques are likely to be more successful than passive learning methods —which include reading or listening to lectures. These approaches improve your engagement with the lesson and your ability to remember it. They can also make learning more enjoyable and less tiresome.

DO: Review regularly

Don’t wait until the night before the exam to review everything; instead, review the material periodically throughout the semester. Spacing out your review sessions helps you consolidate your learning and prevent forgetting. You can also use the Feynman technique, which involves explaining the material in simple terms to someone else or yourself. Reviewing knowledge regularly is one of the effective study habits that you should acquire.

DO: Seek help when needed

If you encounter any difficulties or confusion while studying, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can consult your instructor, classmates, tutor, or online resources for clarification or guidance. You can also join or form a study group with other students who share similar goals and interests.

Don't: Cram or multitask

Two of the worst enemies of effective study habits are cramming and multitasking.

Cramming is when you try to learn a lot of information in a short period of time, usually right before a deadline or a test. Multitasking is when you try to do more than one thing though, such as studying while watching TV, texting, or browsing social media.

Both of these habits can have negative effects on your memory, comprehension, concentration, and retention.  Multitasking can impair your attention, comprehension, memory, and accuracy.

To avoid multitasking, you can eliminate or minimize potential distractions in your environment such as noise, clutter, or other people. You can also use the Pomodoro technique, which involves working on one task for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.

Don't: Neglect your health and well-being

Although studying can be extensive and stressful, you should not neglect your health and well-being. Your physical and emotional health could have a significant impact on your academic performance and experience.

Taking care of yourself may improve your mood, energy, motivation, and productivity. You should do the following things to preserve your health and well-being while studying:

  • Get enough sleep and rest

  • Eat well and stay hydrated

  • Exercise regularly and stay active

  • Manage your stress levels and emotions

  • Have fun and reward yourself

DON'T: Procrastinate

Procrastination is a widespread problem among students, but it could have serious consequences. Postponing your studies till the last minute might lead to more stress, decreased retention, and poor performance.

To avoid procrastination, you can do the following things:

  • Divide your work into smaller and more manageable steps

  • Make clear and attainable goals

  • Reward yourself for accomplishing them

  • Emphasize the advantages of studying rather than the expenses

DON’T: Rely on rote memorization

Memorizing facts or information without understanding them can be ineffective and inefficient. Rote memorization can lead to shallow learning, poor retention, and limited application.

To avoid rote memorization, you should focus on understanding the concepts, principles, and connections behind the facts or information. You should also use elaborative encoding, which involves relating new information to existing knowledge or personal experience.

DON’T: Compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to other students can harm your self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. It can also create unrealistic expectations, pressure, and stress.

To avoid comparing yourself to others, you should focus on your own progress, strengths, and achievements.You should also recognize that everyone has different learning styles, preferences, and paces. You should celebrate your own successes and learn from your mistakes.

Studying can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity if you adopt effective study habits that suit yourself. Remember that studying is not only about getting good grades, but also about developing your skills, knowledge, interests, and passions.

If you’re looking for more resources and guidance on effective study habits, we encourage you to check out our EDU Blogs. Don’t wait – start improving your study habits today!

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