What Is Disability Inclusive Education?

Education is a fundamental human right that enables individuals to develop their potential and contribute to society. Disability inclusive education is not only a moral obligation, but also a social good that benefits everyone.

This EDU Blog will discuss how education can include people with disabilities and make the world fairer for everyone. Keep reading to find out more.

What is disability inclusive education?

Inclusive education means that all children study together in school, no matter how different they are. It means that everyone is kind and respectful to each other. Therefore, it helps children to feel welcome and do well in school and life.

Inclusive education is a right for everyone and a good thing for society. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities says that inclusive education is based on some important concepts: no one should be left out, everyone should have a fair chance, everyone should be able to get what they need, everyone should respect and accept each other’s differences, and everyone should celebrate diversity.

Disability inclusive education needs some efforts to make it work well. For example, we need to change things that might stop some children from learning together. We also need to make sure that all children can go to the same classrooms and schools.

Why is disability inclusive education important?

Many people in the world have some disability. This number might go up because of different reasons, such as getting older, wars, disasters, and long-term illnesses.

But it is hard for people with disabilities to learn well. They have many problems, such as: places they can’t go, books and tools they can’t use, people who are mean or unfair to them, and educators who don’t know how to help them.

So people with disabilities often miss out on education or get education that is not good for them.

This is not fair and it makes people with disabilities lose their chance to show what they can do for society and the economy. Education helps people with disabilities be part of the community and have more opportunities and less troubles.

Therefore, including children with disabilities in education is important for three reasons:

1. It honors their dignity and rights

Every child deserves to learn and grow, regardless of their abilities or challenges. Education helps them make friends, find good jobs, and take part in society. If we exclude students from education, we are violating their rights and harms their well-being.

2. It enriches all children

Learning with other students helps children with disabilities grow in many ways. They can learn to respect and value different people and perspectives. They also enrich their learning by sharing their unique talents and needs. Students help each other in such learning environment, thus they can develop important skills like creativity, problem-solving, and empathy. These skills prepare them for living in a diverse and interdependent world.

3. It is cost-effective and sustainable

When children with disabilities are integrated into regular schools, they do not require separate or special services that are often inadequate or inaccessible. They also complete their education and have better outcomes. This saves money and resources for the education system. It also promotes social cohesion and economic development by reducing poverty, inequality, and discrimination in society.

Creating an inclusive classroom for students with disabilities

Students with disabilities may find it hard to learn in some classrooms. They have different abilities and needs than other students. Some of them may face problems because of their body, mind, feelings, or relationships. Educators want to make classrooms where these students can learn and feel welcome. This is called inclusive education.

Inclusive education is beneficial for everyone. It makes students and educators feel that they belong, respect each other, and treat each other fairly. It also makes learning fun and positive for everyone. Inclusive education can happen when educators do many things. For example, they can:

  • Use different ways to show information, such as pictures, sounds, videos, or things you can touch.

  • Make learning interesting by giving choices, working in groups, or playing games or pretending.

  • Check learning in different ways, such as using portfolios, rubrics, self-checks, or feedback from others.

  • Adapt teaching and testing to each student’s strengths, interests, and needs.

  • Apply UDL principles to create lessons and materials that work for all learners.

  • Collaborate with other people, such as special educators, helpers, counselors, or therapists, to provide the right support and help for students with disabilities.

  • Communicate with parents and families to include them in learning and share information and tips.

  • Finally, create a positive classroom that values differences, celebrates success, and teaches kindness and caring.

Making classrooms inclusive for students with disabilities is good not only for them but also for their classmates, educators, and the whole school. Students can get better grades, make more friends from diverse backgrounds and develop an open mindset.

Educators can help students with disabilities to join in with their classmates. This can help them prepare for a world where people are different and kind to each other.


Everyone has the right to learn without problems. This is good for everyone’s future. When we make learning easier for everyone, we can make the world better and fairer for everyone. So why wait? Check out our EDU Blog today for more tips and news about education!

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